is there anything that can be done with a male plant


my plant which i have spent much time and patiance over has turned out to be a male, all over it is covered in pollen sacks some of which have opened into white flower lookin things. im pretty pissed about this is there anything usefull purpose this plant can serve ??? i.e can it be smoked ??? before i take it in the backyard and kick its feckin head in !!!! :roll:


Well-Known Member
unless u wanna collect pollen from it to breed with a female then put yer boots on an go stompin buddy. there isnt enuff thc to bother tryin canna butter or homemade hash imo.


Well-Known Member
let me see a few pics, you probally are right but with the white hairs coming out you might be mistaken, it could be a hermie or maybe even actually female. you can make very very low quality hash or cannabutter.


Well-Known Member
alternatively sneak it into a local coppers garden or greenhouse and then make an anonymous phone call.


let me see a few pics, you probally are right but with the white hairs coming out you might be mistaken, it could be a hermie or maybe even actually female. you can make very very low quality hash or cannabutter.
Its were the pollen sacks have opened up they kinda look lke flowers. how do you make hash ive often wondered ??? thnx for the reply


Well-Known Member
go to youtube and type in 'the gumby method' itll show u an easy way to make hash mate


Well-Known Member
if nothing else cut off the top 6-8 inches of the plant ,dry it and smoke it ,you can catch a buzz especially if its a medical grade strain.


Active Member
ancient chinese recipe to help with hurting joints and arthritis - clean the roots off well, smash them into a paste with a mortar and pestle or whatever you have, if someone has arthritis or hurting joints, apply some of this herbal paste to it, cover with a cloth bandage to keep the paste on

i have not tried this myself, it is a recipe i ran across while doing some research recently, when harvest time comes for me i'm going to give it a go, maybe it can benefit someone in pain


Well-Known Member
Well what I meant was you can LEARN how to top, lst, supercrop etc

you can learn how many nutes the strain can take till it burns

you can experiment away on the males without causing harm or stress and learn from your experiments

Males are good for so much, I love hearing "Got rid of em" everyday from folks that as yet don't know how to grow