Is this girl panicing


Just realised theres a problem page so sorry for posting again..

Hi Guys i seem to have a problem so i'll step back a few days to explain.

3 days ago bought a 125 (blue cfl) at the same i time i have changed from vitalink plant start too cocos a +b and also using a fan so in my set up for lights i have.

1) 125 watt blue
2) 4 x 20 watt blue
3) 2 x 20 red
4) 8 x mr16 led 12volt mix of red and blue

At the moment in two litres of water i am adding 3ml of a and b

So whats gone on well one has got a bit droppy
And another two the first leaves have browning markings on in the middle of the leaves (i mean like half way up the leaves towards the tips)

I thought it may have been the new light which was quite close but now is about 50cms above.

Any clues or am i just panicing

Bit more info they are on week 3 from seed about 6 to 8 inches high are on 21 hours of light and only 6 inch pots!!
Should i repot when do i go 12/12 and any more info would be great ill try and up some pics in a mo.
Thanks Gemma XXXX


Lil ganja princess

Well-Known Member
i wo0uld personally give then a few more weeks, but it all deoends what ur flowering space is like.

they say that plants gets to twice there size in flower.

but there looking gud +rep


how many times are u feeding them?

Once a day and not that much really around the edges of the pot

If i squeeze the coco quite tight i can see water beads and i get a small run out of water at the bottom but very small ammount.

I think a week ago i over watered one plant and it went a bit cuckoo but is ok now so for the five plants ive probably used 2litres in 5 days.


i normally give ma girls, 500ml water each. every other day. coco. i a good medium. just dont let the pots get to lite.

Thanks so im not far behind you really the pots do feel heavyish lol

So do you think it will just perk up and what about the marks on the first pic?

Also sorry to bug you but should i repot just before im going to do the 12/12?

Thanks again and sorry for being a pain


I was thinking the marks were to do with the new big cfl and maybe to near that why i raised it before when i was using household cfls they were on 4 inches above or could it be the change of feed god its fun isnt it lol

Lil ganja princess

Well-Known Member
ur not a pain. i would repot them then leave them a week to get over the shock, then swich to 12/12.

just wondered to u no what the temps are?

drop my my thread if ya wont


Hmmm i better get a thermometer lol it should be around 25C is that right? i moved the light a lot higher now fingers crossed this will help with the fan too (computer one). What size pots should i go for i dont have much space they are in the wardrobe!! so three feet deep 5 feet across and 5 feet high thanks again.


Lil ganja princess

Well-Known Member
im opting to use, 4 x 5lt water bottles coz i aint got much space. try an get hold of some square pots if ya can. this means u can fit more in ya box