Is this light burn or something else?

Milky Weed

Well-Known Member
I’m having issues with the fans in the room. Whenever they loose power for any reason they shut off and don’t turn back in unless manually turned on. The fans were off under the newly turned up lights, 30k lux max just about. Agromax 550 raw 3k they are around 24 inches away from the plant it seems plenty far and is turned up only halfway. Thanks. 59F5E2D7-98A7-471E-87EE-5D414588F4E4.jpeg5A74B600-E1FD-4007-8465-FFFBFB7C31EC.jpeg2E851E14-7C44-4403-87F7-9012B53B4A0C.jpeg
I should have taken pictures before I cut the affected leaves off but you can still see it on a few. In the meantime I turned the lights down to around 22k Lux. Maybe 500 umol/s was too much for them.
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Active Member
Doesn’t really look like light burn to me,
maybe some more details of your grow would help
nutes? What quantity

Milky Weed

Well-Known Member
Doesn’t really look like light burn to me,
maybe some more details of your grow would help
nutes? What quantity
i have not added any nutes as of yet, they are in a mix of FFoF x Roots organic x Happy frog amended with perlite and vermiculite and abit of non powderized dolomite lime (should have added powder) I put ph’d water in about 6.3-6.5. I was using distilled but going to switch to some hard well water tomorrow and figure they won’t need nutrients until flower. I have abit of a fungus gnat problem that’s not a full infestation but slowly getting better.

I added some azamax 3-4 days ago as a soil drench and might have splashed some on the leaves could that be it?

Milky Weed

Well-Known Member
I’m thinking it may be a magnesium, zinc, or sulfur deficiency. I’m not experienced enough to know.19E7B883-7098-4337-887F-FC35EAE3F055.jpeg573D9F7F-1933-44E2-998D-58350B9F8A09.jpeg83714F16-9896-4EA5-AEE2-7727D6D6518F.jpeg

I was thinking about using a very small amount of epsom salt in the next watering.

could this be fungus gnat damage? I’m going to use mosquito dunks and some EWC tea also next water.