Is this nute burn?


Active Member
I have these 2 plants that I'm wondering if they have nute burn or if it's light burn or something else it just started so might be impossible to tell idk
Watered ab a day ago with nutes so I'm thinking it's nute burn
There are some shiny tip leaves
Not really worried about it unless it progresses I'm just wondering what it is20240831_230142.jpg20240831_230153.jpg20240831_230205.jpg20240831_230246.jpg20240831_230656.jpg

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
Maybe, if so you've caught it early.
Remember that "the damage is done" & any burnt tips aren't going to get better.
Watch the rest of the plant for any indication.

Have fun


Well-Known Member
Looks like your tickling the high side of nutes in a couple of those pics. Although if it's only the upper leaves doing it.....maybe light.
If you include a lot more information it will be easier to diagnose.......nutrients used, medium, container size, plant size, and light intensity would all help here....pic of whole plant usually narrows a few of those.
But it's so slight and the rest that I can see looks happy.......I recommend-burn one :eyesmoke: