Is this nute burn?


Active Member
Alright. These are 2 clones that I cut a couple months ago - now in 7 gal pots with pro-mix/peat/vermiculite. Nutrient line is General Organics.

Had the same issue on 3 that i just flowered, same strain.

I literally can only make an educated guess that this is nute burn. However, i have never even given these ladies close to a 'light' feeding - as per instruction. Otherwise they look perfectly healthy. I just took 8 clones off a mother and within 2 days you would never even know it she looks great....except for some tips.

Last note, it seems to start low and make its way up, but no new growth has it at all - starts as the tips lightening and then just going necrotic. Was planning on putting them into flower this week, but woyld like to figure this out now. Yes i am really baked right now sorry for rambling



Well-Known Member
Alright. These are 2 clones that I cut a couple months ago - now in 7 gal pots with pro-mix/peat/vermiculite. Nutrient line is General Organics.

Had the same issue on 3 that i just flowered, same strain.

I literally can only make an educated guess that this is nute burn. However, i have never even given these ladies close to a 'light' feeding - as per instruction. Otherwise they look perfectly healthy. I just took 8 clones off a mother and within 2 days you would never even know it she looks great....except for some tips.

Last note, it seems to start low and make its way up, but no new growth has it at all - starts as the tips lightening and then just going necrotic. Was planning on putting them into flower this week, but woyld like to figure this out now. Yes i am really baked right now sorry for rambling
Maybe I'm too baked if you're talking about that one Leaf has a little orange on the tip yes that's a symptom of nute burn I pushed all my plants to do that so I know how much nutrients they can handle you could always flush it if your worried and give them a lower dose of nutrients


Well-Known Member
The slight downward claw on some of the leaf tips is an indication that they are getting a little more food than they need right now. Just cut back a bit from your current feed rate.


Active Member
While i have to agree, i still find it hard to believe! This general organics line im using is literally 4-3-3, etc. Basically nothing in them and ive never even given a full dose of the 'light feeding' instructions and maybe once rvery 2 weeks.... Is my soil just that good?

Corrected my hard water issues, ph issues...nice big homes. Only water for awhile i guess.


Well-Known Member
You should get a good 3-4 weeks of no feed after each transplant you do if your soil is decently mixed. Some strains are light feeders so always best to go off what the plants are telling you. Good luck, they look nice!


Active Member
You should get a good 3-4 weeks of no feed after each transplant you do if your soil is decently mixed. Some strains are light feeders so always best to go off what the plants are telling you. Good luck, they look nice!
Sounds good. Thanks for the advice. Heres a leaf off the mother just for another view.


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Active Member
This may be a clown question then, but if they should be ok w the soil nutes (approx 1.5wks post transplant) what about the 'transition' phase of feeding both sets of nutes - veg + flower?

Im super happy w where they are at and was gonna flip to 12/12 this weekend.
