Is this plant a hermie?


Active Member
Pic is crap mate.
But from what i see, it looks like pistils coming out of the other side of that node...
What makes you think its a hermie/male? I see only what could POTENTIALLY be female calyx's.
A few more better pics would be welcomed, but for now she looks fem.


Well-Known Member
Pic is not very good, but it looks like a calyx as opposed to a pollen probably not self-pollinating(hermaphrodite).


Sorry heres a better pic im worry 6 plants from the same mother already have balls I messed up I stressed them during veg. But please let me know. Thanks


Well-Known Member
i think i seen balls in the one, but none of the other pics.. they are like sideways or something and hurts my brain to look at lol.

Sire Killem All

Well-Known Member
take a better pic but i say ur ok, wait and see the cylax swells as lets out hairs, least mine did. so post new pics or jus wait a few days.


Well-Known Member

Good idea to learn how to differentiate males & females if you plan on growing. Asking in here is often the same as guessing yourself.