is this sulpher deficiency?


Well-Known Member
plants are in coconut, perlite, organisim, roots dry fert mix.
i didnt add any epsom salt so last two waterings i added 1 tsp to the water each time, but still no change. could something be locking it up.

i have also used pure blend pro, and cal mag, but they dont have a lot of micro nuts.

thanks in advance.



check the leaf margins (outside edge o leaves) if there curling up your light could be to close/ to hot in the room. the color just looks like new growth from the picture
This looks familiar!

I ran the roots organic line last run and about lost all my hair over this. They started with the yellowing in mid veg and continued all throughout flower. As a worried father I went to every forum and hydro store "guru" for advice. Everyone was an expert and everyone was wrong. It wasn't PH, I flushed em (took 9 hours!), no lockout, people try to talk to you about PPM's but its irrelevent when using organics (this comes from the owner of roots). Wasn't heat, wasn't light bleaching. You can try feeding very heavy which sucks because we know how expensive that shit is, thats the only thing that seemed to make a bit of difference. The good thing is that, for me, the yellowing was the only thing wrong, aside from this my plants were flourishing and that continued all throughout flower and produced great weight as well as excellent quality. If you can't nail the problem I wouldn't beat yourself up over it, it seems it something in Roots Organics. It never seemed plausible to me that a plant could be deficient of anything when planted in soil and fed a nute line unless dealing with a PH lockout.


Well-Known Member
so, still yellowing. added more epsom salt (3 teaspoons total so far)
i also added some age old organic instead of pure blend since it has more micronutrients.
saw a few gnats last night so did a BTI treatment, so there could be root damage from the larva.

going to probably flush tonight if they are still yellow.

a few leaves do feel papery? what does that mean?