Oh No. Cannabis is going to be illegal again...
Like always Ill be the model citizen and stop smoking*. Just cause Sessions says so.
*Mileage may vary.
Yeah, Trump's election set the legalization movement back 30 years.
Trumps election? Lolololol. This shit go's back to Nixon. Blame Big Pharma, Police unions, and Correctional officers organizations....
DEA raids have been conducted under EVERY president since then.
He's blinded by Trump's orange hair.If you can't clearly see the difference between Trump's AG's weed policies vs. Obama/Clinton, then you're an idiot.
None of them fully support us, but Sessions is far, far worse.
Raids can result in more than just confiscation, as has been the recent norm in legal states.
You think you'd like jail time?
The supremacy clause.Thankfully we have the tenth amendment...What the fuck do they have? The SCOTUS will be forced. Who cares about Sessions? Cali will jump ship if they fuck around.
If you can't clearly see the difference between Trump's AG's weed policies vs. Obama/Clinton, then you're an idiot.
None of them fully support us, but Sessions is far, far worse.
Raids can result in more than just confiscation, as has been the recent norm in legal states.
You think you'd like jail time?
Sessions has made a policy, and that policy is that legal weed in certain states is in violation of federal policy regarding illegal, Schedule I substances.Here we go. If I don't see exactly what you see and believe. I'm an "Idiot". Jail time? Too late.
Shouldn't you evaluate Sessions after he makes a policy?
We have predictions. No more weed in 2018. Reefer madness is real.
The supremacy clause.
How so? The supremacy clause states that the federal government has authority over state laws. It's quite cut and dry, and precedent is on the side of the feds.Which can be shot down easily by anyone guided by the constitution and the will of the founders.
I didn't say there'd be no weed. I said Sessions, Trump, et al, will shut down legal sales by 2018. That's Sessions's policy. Remember, he associates pot smokers with Klansmen, heroin addicts, and Black Panthers.Too late. I'm betting the neighbor $50 that there will be no weed in August of 2018. Last day of the month.
I'm putting $$$ down on opinions contained in this thread.
I didn't say there'd be no weed. I said Sessions, Trump, et al, will shut down legal sales by 2018. That's Sessions's policy. Remember, he associates pot smokers with Klansmen, heroin addicts, and Black Panthers.
We agree. He's a relic of failed policy...facing a multibillion dollar industry with multibillion attorneys. It's a tick that's not easily pulled off. If possible. The lid on the box has been opened.
Sessions is a dickhead. I see a defunct warm body kissing lobbyist ass.
Let the motherfu¢ker try. Ban it ALL. No more big cannabis taking business from the underground families using weed proceeds to buy food and clothes for their children.