Its getting worse---SHIT!!! yellow and drooping,PICTURES


Active Member

Since yesterday the symptoms have gotten worse can anyone help???

now two plants have started to droop and the lower leaves are limp and yellow,
Are my pots to small? do I need to transplant?
I have been watering these plants with 1/2 pint each since germination, am I underwatering
i am also adding 5 drops of baby bio to the water, is this enought/not enough/totally f@@@ing wrong!!
The temp is 80-85 and has been since they started life, is this to hot? this is a cupboard grow, do I need more/less humidity.
when I last watered them the water ran straight through the pot, is this a sign of over/underwatering??

Its enough to make a grown man cry.....:neutral:




Active Member

no I had just watered them before taking the photo, usually thefirst inch is dry so I water every 2-3 days
baby bio is liquid fertizer


Well-Known Member
they look pretty good. the temps are probably about 5 deg too high. the plants look sufficiently fed but not overfertilized. it's difficult to tell from the perspective in the picture, but it looks as though you could simply pull the entire mass of soil/root ball upward about 4-5 inches or so and give it a little root room.


Well-Known Member
Mine loooks worse than this with the yellowing, you shouldn't be so worried...I cant rly figure out my problem other than PH issues


Active Member
This is my first grow so im trying to hard not to f@£k it up, maybe i,ll
transplant and see what happens, the big question is when to go 12/12????


Well-Known Member
plants just start to drop lower leaves as they get larger and they are not receiving as much light. the top growth looks very good, dark green and healthy looking tips and edges.


Well-Known Member
when to flower has to do with your space and time constraints. count on 8-10 weeks and double the size after you switch the lighting schedule, and go backward from there.


Active Member
Hey thanks
just one more question......sort of.....

which plant food should I be using for each stage??? there are so many on the market I dont know where to start, also when I change to flowering, at the moment I have one veg lamp and One floweringlamp, should I change to two flowering or doesn,t it matter.

appreciate the help.....!!@$@$%:peace:


Well-Known Member
what are your lights?

there are many good lines of food. i see you're in soil. fox farms, botanicare are both good lines. i have had good results with botanicare and heard good things about fox farms.


Active Member
Hey thanks
just one more question......sort of.....

which plant food should I be using for each stage??? there are so many on the market I dont know where to start, also when I change to flowering, at the moment I have one veg lamp and One floweringlamp, should I change to two flowering or doesn,t it matter.

appreciate the help.....!!@$@$%:peace:


Well-Known Member
they told me to look for plant food with a 20-20-20 or a 20-10-10 wwhich seem to be best for veg ...maybe it will help you (foxfarm is the most common nutrient on this post i think)


Well-Known Member
Dude if i were you i'd repot 'em in bigger pots maybe 8 inch, i'd flush 'em first, fuck the baby bio off and go get some vegetable nutes from a garden center, then when you put to flower use tomatorite.


Well-Known Member
fox farm is a great brand to use for nutes. I basically use the entire fox farm fert line, and it's usually at different stages/weeks in the plants life (Big Bloom, Grow Big, Tiger Bloom, and then for really great results get their line of Open Sesame, Beastie Bloomz, & Cha Ching).


Active Member
cha ching is top stuff produces the stickiest of buds. just add it to nutes (reduce nutes 1/3 and make up with cha ching) about 4-5 weeks into flowering for sticky heavy buds. Not cheap stuff tho!!!