jesse ventura new tv show


Well-Known Member
should be good. it will be on trutv sometime this month or next. cant wait to hear what he has to add on some of the things going on.


New Member
trutv? thats another one of them main stream media communist propaganda networks aint it? jesse venturas a lib moron anyway.
when will people come to their senses...and learn to not shoot the messenger before you hear the message? :roll:

must make it VERY difficult to sort through and filter information


Well-Known Member
i like the fact that he's strait forward and dose not take any shit from anyone. it should be interesting to see what he brings to the table.


Active Member
jesse ventura is not a liberal. he's a true conservative like ron paul and thomas jefferson. small government, minimal intervention, and freedom of the private citizen. do you think he's a liberal because he believes in gay rights? 'the body' is the man and even if he is wrong or misguided on a topic, he's not full of it like 96% of the talking heads on tv. and by no means is he a moron. i think everyone is entitled to their opinions, but screw you guy. i'm tired of hate mongers.

this is the guy that made reporters wear press passes that read 'media jackals' to get into the press area. and only left office because of how the reporters hounded him and his family. stop hatin


Yeah I like the guy, you can clearly tell he's not your typical politican.