July 2008 White House Report on Marijuana


Well-Known Member
jsut our typical bunch of fags running the government misleading and lying to everyone to benefit their $ and pockets this government is shit


Well-Known Member
One "One marijuana garden can generate: Up to 53 30-gallon garpage bags of trash"

don't you love how they exaggerate to the point of absurdity... when I read things like this, I feel like I should laugh, but I really can't. it just makes me sick to think there are actually people who believe this shit!
If 14.8 Million Americans use mj in the past month, that's about 5% of the population and a whole lot of voters. So why is it still illegal? Here's one premise: MJ isn't legal yet because politicians are afraid they'll lose votes if they're labeled as being "soft on drugs," and the REAL reason they're afraid of that is that not enough voters have called and written their elected officials to tell them, in a polite, friendly way, that you the voter will support an end to mj prohibition. The Federal law will change when a majority of Congress, the Senate, and the President agree to the change. We need 300 people to each volunteer to write their Congressman and Congresswoman, 70 to write their Senator, and 50 to write the President and his advisors. That's 420 people, each taking a few minutes each week to write a letter and also maybe have a little letter-writing party so that the Congressperson, Senator, or President/advisor hears from a few people each week.

Hey, if you're willing to be the one to work for change with YOUR elected official, post a note back saying so, and tell us the State and name of the congressperson, Senator, or whoever you'll be working with.

There are currently three different bills in the Congress that could reduce penalties for mj; this really is the time to step up, get involved in the political process, and make a difference. (And by the way: You can find your congressperson's name and address at _https://forms.house.gov/wyr/welcome.shtml_ and find out how he or she voted on Hinchey-Rohrbacher 2007 at _http://clerk.house.gov/evs/2007/roll733.xml_

If you're interested in more info, google "Hinchey Rohrbacher" or HR 5842 or HR 5843.

If you're ready to really start to make a difference, just post back the State and name of the politician you'll be working with. Reading and net-posting and blogging is fun, but writing those letters is what gets their attention, because they know somebody motivated enough to write a letter is motivated enough to vote. So who's ready to write?



Well-Known Member
Maybe it's my age, but at 57 and high/stoned 1/2 the time, voting isn't a priority of mine . . . this, IMO, is another reason weed's still illegal. I'm sure there are those who might have a smoke, then go vote, but am guessing there's many more who have a smoke, then do what we all do when we're buzzed, which ain't often vote.
Not sure when apathy arose here, but suspect mid-late 60's when Nixon fucked up and someone made me smoke some hash, that made me puke.
Hi, Lorenzo08-
This is the effort getting organized, right here, you and me and the handful of other people who've responded to this post at the various sites I've posted it; people who realize that Mr. Fishy has a point: If voting's not a priority, nothing will change. Drop me another post with the state and name of your Congressperson. You and I and a few others can start this ball rolling.


Well-Known Member
Hi, Lorenzo08-
This is the effort getting organized, right here, you and me and the handful of other people who've responded to this post at the various sites I've posted it; people who realize that Mr. Fishy has a point: If voting's not a priority, nothing will change. Drop me another post with the state and name of your Congressperson. You and I and a few others can start this ball rolling.

you have the best user name


Active Member
This report isn't a report, it's cooking the books to show the results they want to see. Whether or not legal change happens anytime soon, I won't change. Personally I have very little respect for or faith in the fed, and damned little for just about any politico. Idealist? No. Just more and more angry every day.