Leaf tips curling down


Active Member
My plant is 3 weeks old and the leaf tips are curling down what could be causing this? Also, should i cut the big fan leafs off they down seem to be doin much good for the plant just keeping the plant from getting light ni some spots...what are the advantages and disadvantages of cutting them?


Well-Known Member
posting pics would help but it sounds like your over watering and dont cut the big fan leaves they are acting like a giant solar panel absorbing light for the plant


Active Member
is overwatering the only thing that causes this? cause they arent drooping the leaf tips are just curled under


Well-Known Member
What are your conditions?

Do you use fert?

If so how much?

What is the room temp?

how often are you watering?

and also do you have pics...like I said pics would be very helpfull