Leafs dying


I had been growing cannabis for while now with great success, but i think it could be better if i can fix my problem on every of my grow. Here's i will describe my problems:
Right when it gets to week 7 to week 8 my leafs start to die, i know this is normal when it get to the harvest time, but is not norm please see attachment and please advise me. ThanksIMG_20150327_195255666[1].jpgIMG_20150327_195255666[1].jpg IMG_20150327_195123789[1].jpg IMG_20150327_195255666[1].jpg IMG_20150327_195239332[1].jpg IMG_20150327_195123789[1].jpg IMG_20150327_195255666[1].jpg IMG_20150327_195255666[1].jpg IMG_20150327_195123789[1].jpg IMG_20150327_195255666[1].jpg IMG_20150327_195239332[1].jpg


Well-Known Member
What this guy said ^^^ .... You need to monitor your plants on the daily ... You definately have multiple issues causes your plants (leaves to look like that) I suggest going to the Library and checking out a few horticulture books and finding the solution yourself.. I'm 100 % sure you will find your answer. We all make mistakes BUT learn from them, correct and move forward Best of luck !


Well-Known Member
If your leaves stay on until week 7-8 your doing fine. Winter is coming. Plants are useing up stored energy for self preservation. Cut out calmag and nitrogen and have fun smoking the bud.