Leaves "clawing" and yellowing


Active Member
All leaves are "clawing", starting at the top and progressing down the plant for the past two weeks. The middle of older leaves are yellowing...then dying. Overall it is still growing new branches and leaves, but after about 4 days they start to claw. I'm thinking nitrogen overdose due to transplanting seedling into ocean forest. The other seedlings responded very well to the OF. It is still developing flowers while bring stressed. Any ideas to clear this up? I already flushed twice over the past two weeks...


If it was nitrogen over kill, it wouldn't have yellowing bottom leaves. It more sounds like a nitrogen deficency than anything, with the leaves clawing, that's sometimes caused by heat stress, but not always. It's hard to say for sure without pics


Active Member
theres a pic in my 2nd post. cal-mag huh? ok ill try it i guess. i figured there was plenty of micro-nutes in ocean forest. My temp is at 77f....def not heat stress. Any other suggestions? Its def not a nitrogen deficiency, ijust transplanted to ocean forest......which caused the leaf curl.


Try testing your ph if its too high it can cause nute lock out with is probly whats wrong, i see the red stems thats from either low temps or nute lock out im pretty sure, good luck bro


Active Member
Ph is right on. i use reverse osmosis water. Purple stems are the genetics of this strain....afghan kush. Most def. not nute lock....its flowering. From doing some research, and using some practical reasoning.....ive concluded its most likely a micro-nute issue, probably from using RO water. Thsnk you peeps for replying. props mr. ganja


Active Member
Look at you trying to sound slick. I personally wouldnt make a judgement without knowing the facts. Its a 9 inch deep pot....plenty for this autoflower.