Leaves curling down

trichlone fiend

New Member
...looks like you've overfed your plants (hince, the burnt tips and leaves curl'n under)...using Miracle grow?
...the reason why noone has answered you, is because you can google this shit yourself....books, videos, site after site of info of every marijuana issue possible......do some research....when you point your finger calling "everyone retards" ... you have 3 fingers point'n back at yourself.


Sorry for the recent post, my brother gets on my account to,he is the one that wrote that bcuz i was still signed in. anyways, no miracle grow just the same stuff I used on my last kush(same soil and pot).the temp was at 90 and i installed more fans.seems to be pickn up a lil? copuld it be a temp problem?


the temp is at 80, i water every 4 days, i think this strain might be picky that im useing old soil from my last crop, just changed soil so i dont know.. it looks worse then the last pics now all leaves are curling and its growing reeeeeeallllllllly slow.also the new growth is turning kind of black and is dry ill post a new pic in a cpl minutes


I keep the soil moist so I dont think that is the issue, on my last harvest I had left a cpl days and had a cpl underwatered when i got back and they didnt look like this


Well it died no thanks to the brainless peices of shit that viewed this and couldnt give any advice.Thanks alot ass clowns