Leaves drooping after SuperCropping?


Is it common for leaves to droop after some bending and twisting, super cropping? Overall both of my plants look pretty down but one on the left has some real droopy parts that is not ordinarily typical. So many videos and guides on the interweb about Super Cropping but nothing that I can find on the immediate after and the plants recovery. Lemme know what yall think please? I should point out, nothing else new. They got topped 3 days ago, top dressed and watered, they only get watered when nice and dry about every 5 or 6 days. 82F 60%RH. I did turn up my lights a little bit 3 days ago as well, 2x HLG QB96 185w each, 36 inches. No other signs of Nutrient or Light stress... Thank You!


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I'll suggest they're rootbound or having root issues. Why is the medium not topped off? Are there adequate drain holes in the buckets and does water drip from these holes! You're allowing a small amount of medium to dry to excess per your description. Dark green shows lots of nitrogen.

As to recovery from supercropping - I do it like OCD. The only thing drooping are branches I've snapped over. By the next morning the ends of those branches are already curved up. No droop.
Theyre 1 month old plants in 4 gallons each of medium, i could be wrong but i would bet they arent root bound. Yes there are holes in the buckets. Not that they drain becuase i dont drench the soil. I water them when they need water and have never seen them actually droop from being thirsty. The soil holds water longer than i would like and i have to keep close watch on the dampness of it to not over water. Yes the dark green of the left plant is likely too much nitrogen, that plant bitches about everything.
Looks over watered. Not that you are over watering. But the soil not drying fast enough.
Also. You topped them 3 days later Supercrop?

Possibly some shock symptoms for the drooping.
Thats what i was thinkin, they do sorta look overwatered. They drank up what i gave them pretty quick, that was first thing i checked. I topped a couple spots at the same time i supercropped tbh. Roughed em up a bit, did some trimming and hacking... I cant wait until this run finishes and switch to coco. This soil has 30% perlite added in it and holds water way too long.
Is it common for leaves to droop after some bending and twisting, super cropping? Overall both of my plants look pretty down but one on the left has some real droopy parts that is not ordinarily typical. So many videos and guides on the interweb about Super Cropping but nothing that I can find on the immediate after and the plants recovery. Lemme know what yall think please? I should point out, nothing else new. They got topped 3 days ago, top dressed and watered, they only get watered when nice and dry about every 5 or 6 days. 82F 60%RH. I did turn up my lights a little bit 3 days ago as well, 2x HLG QB96 185w each, 36 inches. No other signs of Nutrient or Light stress... Thank You!
Based on this, I dont see anything that could cause an issue yet. Keep doing what you're doing. What did you top dress? How is she looking today?
She lookin about the same, no problems really. New growth looks perky and good and same older growth a bit down. Stems look extra purple but again that plant since day 1 just complains about everything. Plant on the right is happy as usual. Neither of them show any real signs of tip burn, claws or curling, or anything other than some extra dark leaves and purple stems. I gave them each 2 Tbsp Dr Earth 4-6-3 and 1 Tbsp Dr Earth 5-5-2 and maybe half a cup of Worm Castings in each. Which isnt much tbh for 4 gals of medium.
Thank You for asking!


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