Leaves turning brown please help


I grow in a 4x4 hydrohut and use fox farm ocean forest soil. This clone was transfered in to that soil about two weeks ago and the tips of the leaves turned yellow so I thought it was from the soil being to hot so I flushed the soil and the leaves contuined to change colors. also lighting is a 400 MH.

the first two pics are from about a week and a half ago the others were taken today PLEASE HELP:leaf:



Well-Known Member
Have you added Nutes to it yet?
What's the temps in the room it's in and how often do you water it. To me it looks like nute burn and its getting a little to warm, your top leafs are starting to curl up a little bit. Nothing you cant fix, I'd make sure you have a good exhaust and inlet fan raise the lights just a tad and you should be ok since you flushed the soil.


Active Member
Looks like burn to me. What soil was it in before transplant. Shouldn't be a deficiency. You can grow a plant in FFOF for ndamn near 2 months without seeing signs of a deficiency. How long was the clone rooted before transplant.


I have not added any nutes yet and the temps stay pretty low like 55 to 65 degrees, I normaly water once every couple of days whenever the soil starts to go dry. I raised the lights today and I only have an intake air flow (6 inch tube style fan not sure on the cfm) and the top two exhaust ports on my hydrohut are open

Not sure on the soil I bought the clone from a dispensary and I was told it was root bound so I transplanted it as soon as I got home. I think it was at least a couple weeks old seeing how the roots were when I removed the plastic cup.
K listen up every one please fox farm ocen forest is shit alone, But when mixed at a 50/50 ratio with their light warior it wil be a great base soil. PLease save your clone now buy mixing that or buying some sunshine mix #4. The fox farm ocen forest is to rich in its own. Dont feed it anything.


Active Member
K listen up every one please fox farm ocen forest is shit alone, But when mixed at a 50/50 ratio with their light warior it wil be a great base soil. PLease save your clone now buy mixing that or buying some sunshine mix #4. The fox farm ocen forest is to rich in its own. Dont feed it anything.
Shit? Ive been using it for 8 to 10 years now and never cut it with anything. I transplant week old plants into it. NEVER a problem. You talk like its miracle gro or something. Its basically worm castings and bat guano.


Well-Known Member
I have not added any nutes yet and the temps stay pretty low like 55 to 65 degrees, I normaly water once every couple of days whenever the soil starts to go dry. I raised the lights today and I only have an intake air flow (6 inch tube style fan not sure on the cfm) and the top two exhaust ports on my hydrohut are open

Not sure on the soil I bought the clone from a dispensary and I was told it was root bound so I transplanted it as soon as I got home. I think it was at least a couple weeks old seeing how the roots were when I removed the plastic cup.
What I was getting at what your lights them self's many have been burning the plants. Not so much the room temp, A good rule of thumb is put your hand under the light for a few minutes. If it's to hot for your hand then it's to hot for your plants.

And "buds420" F.F.O.F is good soil. lots of people use it and have great results.


When I checked on the plant today I noticed Leafhoppers and I checked around online and no one seems to have a way to get rid of them any suggestions?
Im just going buy subcool on the ocen forest. Ive seen in my medical career that these girls like food but not constantly and love to be leached more especially when in soil. The most consistant way of feeding with out having to worry about lock up is to foilar feed and use a simple base soil like sunshine #4 its meant for plants that like to be leached and roots can penitrate easly. It only has enough nutrients to get plants started. Then start the ffof not all strains will respond the same to the same soil. Figure out what works best for you and your situation and you will be a master "at least in your style of growing or with your strain". Check out subcools super soil. If you want somthing simple thats it right there. Dont wory on transplant it will live even if the soil falls apart you will still have roots intact that have grown in the last two weeks. Ive transplanted clones a couple days after planting because of to rich of a mix. they look great nice and bushy along with nice dark green leaves. I AM CONSIDERED A NOOB BUT THIS IS ALL SHIT I LEARNED FROM FIRST HAND. If you need the help its right here brother.
Let me correct my self FFOF is great soil but to rich for our cannabis plant especially at a young age. They do love food but like to be leached of that food in between feedings. Why is that we are to flush regularly to leach what was feed before. So if you soil is to rich it will in turn be to hot because its still decomposing. Thus the problem with FFOF it may be worm castings and guano but not fully decomposed wich means as it goes further in to cycles it will start to burn because our plant like to be leached and dont like built up salts and nutrients. Try using sunshine # 4 on its own your shit will shoot for a good 2 to 3 weeks and then will need food. Wich is good because you can controll how much and how often. Now when mixing it with light warrior it cuts the amount of food wich will make taking freshly rooted clones shoot for the sky right away. Because there are geting mor macro nutrients instead of full strength nutes. Check out subcools super soil it tells you everything you need to no. Cadeneli you even said it was burn with his temps and light perfect it must be a nute lock up wich will burn. Easy way to tell burns is if the spot is crispy its a burn if not its deficent. You can be deficent while still being nute locked. In the end Xander if you flush your plant 1 gal water to soil ratio you will be fine within 48 hour and will see growth. From a halfway noob to another you will be fine its a weed for crying out loud watch it grow like one.
sorry for both post got a litlle to medicated ha ha ha good luck xander and keep faith there are alot of experts out there who arent considered on this site.