LED heat output comapred to T5 fixtures? 200w of LED vs 8 bulb T5 (435w)...


Well-Known Member
Still contemplating/researching whether I want to order 2x SolarFlare 200's to replace a T5 8 bulb 4' fixture.

Heat is one of the driving factors... the T5 fixture is currently manageable... but I had 2 fixutres and can only run 1 due to heat. Leading me to wonder if I can get the same effective PAR/wattage of 2 of my 8 bulb fixtures packed into the footprint I have but going with LED to make the heat management possible...

Would 2x SolarFlare's run cooler than a 8 bulb T5 (BadBoy fixtures) maybe going to 3 flares long-term...

I also think I've heard that I shouldn't be thinking about watt for watt equivalency... i.e. I don't need 435w of LED to replace 435w of T5... is that the case? I don't want to reduce my effective light level but rather I'm looking to increase while lowering temps... if at all possible...


Well-Known Member
You should look into T8led tubes. They putout the same amount of light(in µmols) as a T5, but only run 18w-22w/tube. I speak about only the white one, not any specific red or blue or even grow. The whites are a cool white so they are mostly for vegging. They are way cooler than T5's(not that t5's are hot). There are even a few flowering grows going on under different ones right now.

I measured a 6 tube led fixture putting out 570µmols@~6" pulling 106w and also a 6 bulb T5 it did 611µmol@~6" pulling~340w. That is pretty close considering it's using 1/3 the power to do it.

Solar flares seem good, and many seem to use them for veg. But I would see if the tubes would fit your needs first. 4ft tubes make covering an area easier and evenly.


Well-Known Member
About how much per tube and any good sources you recommend? Also do you have to mod the fixtures (i.e. bypass the existing ballasts and give direct A/C?)...


Well-Known Member
I also looked at a DIY LED site to compare what it would cost to mimic a SolarFlare with 20 x 5w and I was unsure on driver arrangements so I went with 2 Meanwells for the XP-G's and added a heat-sink/fan pre-drilled/etc... $279 in cart without shipping or anything I'm missing... So maybe DIY isn't so cost effective here after all...

RapidLED was where I was looking... I haven't done my homework to find the best sources for DIY grow lights/kits...


Well-Known Member
Pet flora is probably the most knowledgeable on all the brands of tubes. He can find the best price but about $30-$40/tube is pretty good.

You do have to bypass the ballast so if that matters.


Well-Known Member
I also looked at a DIY LED site to compare what it would cost to mimic a SolarFlare with 20 x 5w and I was unsure on driver arrangements so I went with 2 Meanwells for the XP-G's and added a heat-sink/fan pre-drilled/etc... $279 in cart without shipping or anything I'm missing... So maybe DIY isn't so cost effective here after all...
depends on what you want, im building a true 360W Panel with cheap 30W cobs and 3W for like 210$, if I had used cobs only it would be 170$ for 360W including Heatsink and fans etc...but no Hightech cree efficient cree there, but on the other Hand cobs r pretty efficient, even if they r chinese made, since they consist of like 1W arrays