Legal Question


Active Member
I am 18 and moving in with my grandparents. They have a lot of land and I found several perfect spots for growing. If the police somehow found the plants outside, would my grandparents be liable? If so, can I turn myself in and take the charge?

Moon Shadow

Well-Known Member
Both are possible. And no one can give sound advice on this subject. The laws change all the time and they have the tax stamp law for backup. If it's just a few for personal use then maybe. But if it's a shit load say good by farm. No matter what.


Well-Known Member
just try to grow a couple in different spots, so u cant really notice just one plant. Either all of them together will make them really noticable


Active Member
I told a few people where I am staying at the moment, but my grandparents house is 4 hours away. (I regret doing this) So I am just a bit paranoid.


Well-Known Member
Yeh man, worst thing you want to do is tell people, I know its hard, sooo hard. But in the end it might safe you alot of bad shit man. As cali high said, tell them your grandparents found out, and tossed them. and make sure you dont grow the plants together, spread them out.