Let's play "Rate Your Presidents!"

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Active Member
Rate the presidents you've known in your lifetime, with the following:

N/A - You are too young to remember this president

Thomas Jefferson - OK, I'm not that old. So let's start with...
Kennedy - Hated
Johnson - Liked
Nixon - Liked
Ford - Liked
Carter - Hated
Regan - Loved
Bush Sr. - Liked
Clinton - Hated
Bush W - Nuetral
Obama - Disliked


Well-Known Member
Kennedy - N/A
Johnson - N/A
Nixon - N/A
Ford - N/A
Carter - N/A
Regan - N/A
Bush Sr. - N/A
Clinton - LIKED
Bush W - HATED


Active Member
Are you serious? Kennedy?

I'm not that old but I've disliked every one of the presidents AKA lying scumbags that's been in office since my birth.
Yeah, I'm serious about hating Kennedy.

But I didn't intend this thread to be a pissing contest...so let's just stick with ratings and no commentary.

Yes, they're all lying scumbags...but let's face it...they have to be in order to get elected...that's just the nature of modern politics...


Well-Known Member
kennedy not escalating the cuban missile situation is credited with saving hundreds if not thousands of american service members' and cuban citizens' lives. that could've plunged to US into a prolonged global conflict with devastating effects. russia didn't just have NUCLEAR missiles in cuba you know.... there was serious military power right at our doorstep in the form of submarines, naval fleets, and MIGs.

it is just despicable that you would celebrate the murder of the US president. you have no respect for this country or what made it great. you are just a political hack blinded by the smokescreen... just how they like it.....


Active Member
kennedy not escalating the cuban missile situation is credited with saving hundreds if not thousands of american service members' and cuban citizens' lives. that could've plunged to US into a prolonged global conflict with devastating effects. russia didn't just have NUCLEAR missiles in cuba you know.... there was serious military power right at our doorstep in the form of submarines, naval fleets, and MIGs.

it is just despicable that you would celebrate the murder of the US president. you have no respect for this country or what made it great. you are just a political hack blinded by the smokescreen... just how they like it.....
Again, I didn't intend this thread to be a pissing contest. Just stick to the ratings.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
kennedy not escalating the cuban missile situation is credited with saving hundreds if not thousands of american service members' and cuban citizens' lives. that could've plunged to US into a prolonged global conflict with devastating effects. russia didn't just have NUCLEAR missiles in cuba you know.... there was serious military power right at our doorstep in the form of submarines, naval fleets, and MIGs.

it is just despicable that you would celebrate the murder of the US president. you have no respect for this country or what made it great. you are just a political hack blinded by the smokescreen... just how they like it.....
I don't see him celebrating the assassination of Kennedy.

I guess I don't see the point of rating presidents when we are in agreement that to be president you have to be corrupt and not live up to your promises. They are just puppets to me.

I didn't mean to come into your thread being an asshole, it's just how I honestly feel.


Active Member
I don't see him celebrating the assassination of Kennedy.

I guess I don't see the point of rating presidents when we are in agreement that to be president you have to be corrupt and not live up to your promises. They are just puppets to me.

I didn't mean to come into your thread being an asshole, it's just how I honestly feel.
Well, we all probably feel that way. But the reality is that presidents exist, get elected every 4 years, and leave records behind. I'm just asking how you feel about the records of presidents who've served in your lifetime.

And to be fair to redivider, I did make a derogatory reference to Kennedy, and deleted it. My fault, not his.


New Member
Kennedy - Neutral
Johnson - Disliked
Nixon - Liked
Ford -
Carter - Hated, Total failure
Regan - Loved
Bush Sr. - Liked
Clinton -
Bush W - Liked
Obama - POS Socialist


Well-Known Member
Kennedy - n/a
Johnson - n/a
Nixon - Loved
Ford - ok
Carter - ok
Regan - Hated
Bush Sr. - Liked
Clinton - Loved
Bush W - Loved
Obama - ok


bud bootlegger
why don't you just make it easier op and make two columns .. label one dems, and list all of the dem presidents and put hate next to all of them, and make another for reps, and put love them to pieces next to them and end it at that??
why play all these silly games?? we all know you hate dems and love reps, why the need to rate them??


Active Member
why don't you just make it easier op and make two columns .. label one dems, and list all of the dem presidents and put hate next to all of them, and make another for reps, and put love them to pieces next to them and end it at that??
why play all these silly games?? we all know you hate dems and love reps, why the need to rate them??
Well, sir, you are wrong...I "Liked" Johnson (a democrat), was Nuetral for Bush W (a republican)...

Besides, I asked for your ratings, not your commentary...can you read?


bud bootlegger
Well, sir, you are wrong...I "Liked" Johnson (a democrat), was Nuetral for Bush W (a republican)...

Besides, I asked for your ratings, not your commentary...
like we give a shit what you asked for.. you get what you get.. we all know you love to suck repub cock, i knew what your answers were before i even opened this thread up. which means this thread is a waste of time.. :)
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