Lets Talk Pots - Stoner talk - Stoner Corner

Sunny Dee

5 Gallons are what i use. I do Notice after flowering when i take out my smart pots, i am never close to being root bound and 5 gallons were over kill.. Having said that.

Would pot size really depend on what kind of lighting you are using and how much time u vegged your plant for. everyone says, ohh bigger pot bigger yield. but I mean 5 plants with 7 gallon pots under a 250 w Hps light would make no sense? correct?

so what are good guides to go by? should u base you pot size on number of plants vs wattage?

250w - 1gl (4 plants)

400w -2gl (4 plants)

600W - 5gl (4 Plants)

1000w 7gl+ (4 plants)

Also I have a 5 Gallon Smart pot. says right on the bag, (5 GL) I also have a bucket from the dollar store that holds 3 gallons of water. did a test and they both hold the same amount of soil?? are potting gallons different than lets say liquid gallons? lol i dont know. something just doesnt add up here


Well-Known Member
the history of pots for growing is riddled with pot companies having incorrect pot to size. So bad they named a line the cheater pot line. Each company is different and must be checked for volume. Sometimes companies use liters as a guide and are approx. for gals. but state them anyway. fyi. What lets growers in commercial bus. get away with this they describe plants by plant size not pot. The law is now involved with labeling correctly but not inforced..


Well-Known Member
oh, 400w -2gl (4 plants) sounds about right but id have at least a couple more to 10 plants depending on size? Flower at veg. to 1 ft. for great results. Id also look at a 400 or higher if you want to get in the game. Look at air pots is a new thing worthy of investment.