light...a painful question for the experienced growers I'm sure...


Active Member
ok soo I have 2 6500k cfl's and four plants in a 2'x1'x1' box lined with foil.

It's a sad setup but I had to make due until I had a job...

I really thought I'd find a job sooner but it took me nearly a month.

basically my question is how bad is t to not have mass amounts of light?

I'm not trying to grow anything amazing here I'd just like to be able to get through this process through flowering and all because I've had 3 or 4 failed grows in the past.

and I would like to be able to improve my method over the years but that can't really happen if I can't get through a basic grow.

so am I doomed to fail again because I didn't have enough light for the first month?

or can I just keep em in veg for a long ass time untill they're big and strong?

(btw just got a job today and I can't wait to get more light with that first paycheck :mrgreen:)

and happy stuff


Well-Known Member
1 23 watt 6500K cfl per plant is plenty for the 1st month so your a bit lacking in light good news is $8 will get you 2 more


New Member
hehe i had 2 florescent 100w tubes with 5 46w cfls my first grow. just seeing how big i could get them but not flowering. i gave them to a friend.


Active Member
see I have the light I have 3 extra lights actually.. I just can't find the fixtures! :[
but thanks for the slight relief you guys -- soon enough I'll be able to do this grow right


yeah more light is a must if your gonna go cfl at least get the biggest one you can get. small ones arnt even worth the trouble. the smallest ive grown with is a 65watt cfl from home depot. but they have bigger ones now with reflectors and everything. if i was you i would get a 250 watt hps. they have those for pretty cheap online and the are all one unit meaning the ballast reflecter and bulb are one piece and you just plug it in i used one for a while before i got my 600watt and it will produce well and then if you decide to go bigger down the road u can always run the 250 as supplemental lighting now that my 600 hps is going i set my 250 on a tray and place around differnt sides of my garden to get my lower branches extra light hope this helped good luck