Light colored patches on her leaves.


What are these "light colored" patches on nearly every leaf of this 3-week old seedling? I've spent considerable time researching this issue but have not figured it out yet.
-It's a "bag seed" idea what strain.
Sprouted in some organic seedling soil and transplanted into FF Ocean Forrest in a 5-gallon fabric pot.
-Growing 24" under a Spider Farmer SPF1000 @18/6 in a converted shower in an unused area of my home...3 circulation fans and an exhaust fan run 24/7.
-Temps range from 72 to as much as 76 during hottest part of day.
-Zero nutes given but plan to use FF trio at about 1/4 strength once flipped..
-I'm watering (always PH'd to 6.2-6.3) only when the soil feels almost dry...about a half gallon every 3rd day.
-I "top-dress" with sand to discourage fungus gnats from moving in.
-Underside of leaves all look normal...I've used a loupe @60x but can't see any pests...any guidance would be appreciated

