Light Green Patches on Leaves


Active Member
Sorry for the repeat post but I wanted to try a different title than my other problems thread to maybe get someones attention who has seen this problem. Anyone know? Pics below.


Active Member
Thanks for the link. Only thing I see similar to it is Nitrogen def 4.jpg (6th nitrogen def pic). Problem I have with this site though and all the others like it tried to reference is too many low res and small pics. Not to mention so many of the problems have similar pictures. Really just hoping a trained eye can help me ID it because every time I look at a different set of pics I come to a different conclusion and just end up more confused.

trichlone fiend

New Member, what was the conclusion? ...I was going to suggest a transplant, if you haven't done so already. The more I look at your plants, I'm think'n cal./mag. , you may need some.


Active Member
I'd put my money on an iron deficiency, but I don't know if it would be happening because there isn't enough iron or because the ph is off or because there is too much of a diff nute.


Active Member
I tried letting it dry out more before I watered it again. Was waiting 2 days and this time I waited four. Seemed to help as today already after watering it this morning 13 hours ago the leaves are standing up more than they ever did and you can see the underneath leaves much easier. I think maybe it wasn't getting oxygen to the roots because i kept watering it before it dried out. I am going to let it dry out again fully (I weight the pot and will water when it gets to that weight again) and will add a little bit of this fertilizer. I know its better numbers for flowering but I am going to use a very small amount for now maybe ever few waters and then increase it when it gets to flowering time. Has some calcium and other stuff that if I put in very small doses should do more good than harm.


Active Member
The light green patches have turned yellow/brown but only the places that had the patch. The rest of the leaves look normal. This give anyone any better idea what is going on?


Active Member
I think problem was nitrogen deficiency. I forgot I had the Jorge Cervantes guide in PDF. According to his guide I am pretty sure that is the problem.

It says N deficiency exhibits in order:

Older Leaves yellow between veins (Mine did)
Older bottom leaves turn entirely yellow (mine did)
More and more leaves yellow. Severely affected leaves drop (mine did)
Leaves may develop reddish purple stems and views on leaf underside (mine DID NOT)
Progressively younger leaves develop interveinal chrolosis (mine did)
All foliage yellows and lead drop is severe (mine looks like its heading that way)

I got a 20-14-13 orchid fertilized from home depot and put it in at 1/4 strength when i watered yesterday so hopefully this helps. Said it should take 4-5 days to show any signs of recovery. I will delay flowering a bit depending on how this goes.


Active Member
I dont think i would have gone with the fertilizer so quickly. your plants look like they need to be transplanted, also in the pics the soil looks really dry how often do you water? what lights do u use and how close are they and last how old are they?


Active Member
Why would it need to be transplanted? There is no way I am going to risk that at this point.

I am watering every 3 days or so with a liter of water. I am going now by the dry weight and when it gets there I am going to water it again. Usually took pics before I watered and the outer soil which shows in the picture dries quicker than the soil under the leaves.

I am using 2 42 watt CFL @ 6500K, 1 42 watt CFL @2700K and 1 50 WATT HPS, the plant is 4 and a half weeks old.