lighting answers needed


Active Member
:joint: Hi every1, i have a 5.5 foot tall closet and my grow space is 5.5 feet high by 2 feet wide and 2 feet deep. I was planning on getting a 250 watt hps lighting system but wanted to go for the 400 so that i can use it when i have more space. What i need to know is if the 400 watt hps will be too hot and too intense for my grow area....please help asap :joint:


New Member
"What i need to know is if the 400 watt hps will be too hot and too intense for my grow area....please help asap..."

I have a similar size cabinet ... 2.5 deep x 3.5 width x 6' height. I use a 600 hps and only have heat problems in the summer time. However, I have the cabinet vented like crazy. Average yield is about an ounce of quality, trimmed bud per plant.
