little bloody bugs

Please help I have a few unwanted guests on my leaves, I have been trying to find what they are. The leaves have small white spots and there are little white bugs on the underside on the leave. Does anyone know what they are and how to kill them.

Cheers nug lovers


Well-Known Member
Please help I have a few unwanted guests on my leaves, I have been trying to find what they are. The leaves have small white spots and there are little white bugs on the underside on the leave. Does anyone know what they are and how to kill them.

Cheers nug lovers
might be spider mites.....whatever they are you need to declare war on them as soon as you can.

so you're a geordie....welcome to RIU
I have already declared war on these little buggers, but I just need to know what they are first lol. Looking at the link antman15 gave and it does look similar but they have not made any webs. I'm close to harvest now anyway but it's the other plant I have next to it that I'm most worried about because they have migrated to it. I will try and get some pics up soon to see if they are spider mites.

Thanks again nugg lovers.