Little help please!! 12days in and leaves are yellowing


12days in and my leaves are curling and are yellowing on the tips.

A few days ago I moved the plant from a bowl with plastic wrap to a hydro dome. I didnt think my humidity was high enough last night because I added a few more wet paper towels to the hydro dome. When I got home today and inspected the plant it didnt looked worse. I have a hard time believing that the humidity is too low. All the paper towels are still wet and the plastic dome is covered in droplets of water.

When I moved my plant to the hydro dome i did turn on more of my 23watt cfls because I had to move the light further away and to keep my temp up. Also I do have a heat pad to help with the temp.

The temp is sitting around 75-85

Im kind of at a loss here. Any help would be appreciated.

Here is my grow journal where i have more details and also asked the same question.



I have a feeling that I over watered the poor thing in the attempt to keep the humidity up in the dome.


Well-Known Member
Just a thought, but I usually remove the dome once the first set of true leaves show, I'd have to wonder if your killing it by giving it too much humidity, you should also have a small fan giving them constant air circulation, just my opinion.


I guess its possible. I cracked the hydro dome figured it might help dry up the rockwool at the same time.


Well-Known Member
Did you prep that wool?
What is your PH?
Give it air, and your temp description is very vague.
To me 85 is high for a seedling.
Can you tell us what you're really seeing?


yes the wool was prepped with 5.5, but I did soak my paper towels in regular tap water. Dont know if that could eventually have an effect on my wool.

This morning inside the dome was at 81.


Over night I left the dome cracked about 2 inches to reduce humidity. Heres the results.
I noticed that the fan leaves are no long pointing upwards.


Well-Known Member
Take the dome off and leave it off. Absolutely the worst thing you can do for a new seedling is put a dome on them. They do not need high humidity. Get a fan blowing gently on them and they should improve. The easiest way to kill a seedling is from too much moisture causing dampening off. That's where I think you are headed if you don't dry them a little. I've killed a lot of seedlings in my earlier days using those damn domes.

If you're roots are looking healthy, you will be able to start feeding them soon and that will improve the color on new leaves. Better to under feed in first two weeks than over feed. That's the second easiest way to kill a seedling.


Okay ill remove the dome tonight. That leads me to my next question Sense I can move the light closer how close should I go. Before I moved it into the dome I had one 23 watt cfl 6500k sitting about 6in above it. Does this still sound about right?


I took the dome off tonight and lowered the light about 4in from the plant. Its hard for me to tell if it got worse through out the day or not. The rockwool is defiantly not as wet as yesterday. Here some pictures.



It so hard for me to tell whats going on because things are still changing. The round leave tips are turning brown. And the tips of the fan leaves are yellowing. For all I know this could just be the after math of the over humidity.
My rockwool isnt far from being completely dry so I think ill water tonight.


Well-Known Member
Since your lights don't produce heat, put them about an inch from the plants. They look hungry to me and there should be more leaf development off the top. Your 3 leaves should be out by now and they seem stalled. What are you feeding? If you start in rockwool you have to give them a low level of nutrients. In dirt you don't have to give them anything in first two weeks. Do you have roots coming out sides and bottom yet? What do your roots look like if showing? Should be white, not grey or brown. If grey or brown roots, you will likely need to start over.


Im on day 15 since planting the seed if that helps.
But no, no roots are showing. It did stall there a bit, but it looks like new growth is starting (Im guessing thats a good sign?). Im not using any nutes, As far as what I read the seed has enough food for the first few weeks. Ive been thinking about dropping it into my dwc but didnt know if that would be a good idea or not.


Well-Known Member
Ah, no nutrients. Yes, you need to get them on a light dose of something. I'm too far removed from my hydro days to recommend what you should use, but they need something now.


If thats the case Ill probably just put them in my dwc with lite nutes. Im a bit concerned that Im just wasting my time and should start an new seed.


Well-Known Member
No, give it some more time. I think with some food you could be back on track. Just find a good feeding schedule specific to marijuana and stick to it. You have an EC meter to measure ppm? You need one of these and a calibrated ph tester for successful hydro growing.