Look good for 4 days old? First Grow


Active Member
Hello everyone. This is my first attempt to ever grow so I know nothing and have no experience whatsoever. I know the color of the seedlings looks good, stems look good (even though you can't see stems well in pic). But howcome I still dont see new sets of leaves forming at all? It grew so fast the first couple of days and now it seems the past couple of days I have seen ZERO growth at all. It almost seems like it stopped growing completely. I do realize that they are only 4 days old and I am impatient but I just saw that incredibly super fast growth the first couple of days and now nothing for the last 2! Is this normal?

Anyway, this is my very first grow. I have 2 Nirvana Bubblelicious Auto's growing.

Day 4_5.jpgDay 4_1.jpgDay 4_3.jpgDay 4_2.jpgDay 4_4.jpg
Okaay im going to be the first one to say it. Yes, they do look good. Don't stress about it though man. Trust me, I have experiance and I know better that anyone the more you stress about it the more likely you are to be either caught, or fuck up you're babies. Just treat it like a plant man. When they are that small generally you wont be able to tell a whole lot of growth until the first week and a half. They are trying to develope roots and from their then the stems and leaves will grow. Good luck!


Active Member
Okaay im going to be the first one to say it. Yes, they do look good. Don't stress about it though man. Trust me, I have experiance and I know better that anyone the more you stress about it the more likely you are to be either caught, or fuck up you're babies. Just treat it like a plant man. When they are that small generally you wont be able to tell a whole lot of growth until the first week and a half. They are trying to develope roots and from their then the stems and leaves will grow. Good luck!
Good to know! That makes total sense. They are using energy to create a root system. I should have thought of that.


Active Member
What kind of light are you runnin, more sets will come.
2x 42watt 6500k cfl
3x 26watt 2700k cfl

I have plenty more of both types but I don't think I need to use them yet. In fact those 5 that I am using now is probably overkill for this stage. But I'm not pushing too much heat so I am going to leave the 5 there until they grow to be larger. What do you think?


Active Member
Yes it just takes time..before you know it they will be big and bushy ...happy growing
Yep. One day's time and both of them have started little tiny second sets of leaves! And man, 2 leaves each that they have are the best green looking leaves I have ever seen. They look so incredibly healthy. I hope it stays that way!


Active Member
Day 10 and they both are looking great and very very healthy! I am almost positive I see preflowers on one of them. Is this unusually early to see at only day 10? The 2 little pistols are small but definitely there. (They are femanized auto seeds)


Active Member
My lights now are...

2x 42watt 6500k cfl
4x 26watt 2700k cfl

And I'm still on 18/6 which I have been from seed and will go til harvest.


Active Member
My lights now are...

2x 42watt 6500k cfl
4x 26watt 2700k cfl

And I'm still on 18/6 which I have been from seed and will go til harvest.


Active Member
That is way too early for preflowers when growing from seed.
Even with an auto? Maybe they are new side shoots? They look like 2 hairs coming right out of where each branch meets the stem. I would take a pic but I don't have a camera that get that much of a close up.


Active Member
your plants look great. my greenomatic seedlings came out of the soil on the 28th so they're about 3 days old and they are about the same size as the ones in your first post. i wouldnt be too worried about them and i wouldnt start any heavy nutes either.. i still havent watered my plant since 2 days before i planted the seed, so thats around the 24th... its been a week now and its still a little damp, but barely...im trying to starve the plants of water so that they are forced to grow roots to go look for water...


Active Member
your plants look great. my greenomatic seedlings came out of the soil on the 28th so they're about 3 days old and they are about the same size as the ones in your first post. i wouldnt be too worried about them and i wouldnt start any heavy nutes either.. i still havent watered my plant since 2 days before i planted the seed, so thats around the 24th... its been a week now and its still a little damp, but barely...im trying to starve the plants of water so that they are forced to grow roots to go look for water...
Thanks dude. I've only watered mine once since they sprouted. They look much better now than they did in the first pics. Good luck with yours


Active Member

Here are some updated pics and closeups of my 2 Nirvana Bubblelicious at day 10. You guys tell me, what are the 2 small growths you see coming out of where the branches meet the stem. They are growing in pairs at most intersections where branches meet stem.

Day 10_1.jpgDay 10_5.jpgDay 10_4.jpgDay 10_3.jpgDay 10_2.jpg


Well-Known Member
I grew nirvana short rider last year..and im growing regular bubblelicious now 12 12 from seed now 3 weeks into flower first pic...the others are of my short rider...happy growing..hrers a rep back...

