Looking for accurate reviews Pls


hey guys! im new to the forum and just ordered some seeds from GHS "The Chruch".

this will be my first grow'op and does anyone have any good tips or reviews on how to maximise my result and maybe prevent or be ready in case suntim happens.

Thanks guys!


Well-Known Member
hey guys! im new to the forum and just ordered some seeds from GHS "The Chruch".

this will be my first grow'op and does anyone have any good tips or reviews on how to maximise my result and maybe prevent or be ready in case suntim happens.

Thanks guys!
sit down and spend alot of time reading these forums the best way to get a good crop is to learn yourself


yea ive been doin so learnin bout toppin, supercroppin and stuff chosed The Church because its "mould resistant" but reviews are divided about GHS co. so im a bit worried..

but thnx for the review!


Well-Known Member
You can grow it anyway you want ,
It will grow and it grow good ,
but , ,, , it all comes down to genetics and phenos in the end


Well-Known Member
Hey there,

Pretty good choice in my opinion for a first grow, I doubt you will be disappointed with her.
A couple tips - she seems to be prone to spider mites due to her funky smell, so I'd read a bit on how to detect and deal with them.
She is also a little bit picky early on with nutrients, so be careful not to feed to much early on.

Other than that, it's a pretty nice strain, very strong smell and taste of skunk, but with a funky unique something mixed in. The taste will stay in your exhale for a few minutes.
The high is mostly in the head, and it seems to me like it starts a bit cloudy and strong, and slowly changes over to a clear headed, less powerful effect. There is a bit of a relaxing body effect as well.


Well-Known Member
sit down for a few hours and read through the journals and other posts and see some other peoples mistakes and learn from them. best way to learn and get an understanding of what to expect. endless amount of choices and methods


Well-Known Member
Oh, as for the nutrients there are alot of brands that I've seen successful grows with. I personally use General Organics, but I won the set in a contest and I wouldn't recommend spending that much on an 8-part system for your first grow. Also I havn't tried anything other than GH nutrients so I'm not the best person to answer.

I have seen alot of success with Fox Farms, or if you want something cheaper than that I used to use General Hydroponics 3-part nutrient set with great results.


Well-Known Member
i wouldn't worry about the greenhouse seeds, i haven't grown church, but i have grown out gh lemon skunk. it wasn't very stable and each plant was a totally different pheno, but the were all good. i also use general organics, but when i first started i used fox farm nutes with good results. good luck to you. if you have any ?'s you can pm me.


thanx for the tips guys just received the seeds from VSB need to know what type of lamp to use during Veg and Flower stage... (for the flower i was thinking HPS600w)