looking for some SOG/LED advice.

Moving here soon to a Medical Marijuana state and am wanting to do my own thing. I have a 4x4 grow tent, doing soil and had a few questions for doing the SOG method. 1. What size buckets should I use? My clones will be vegging the entire time my others are in bloom. Was gonna keep the clones in the bigger dixie cups vegging while the other bloom. So my clones will be 10-14inches tall when I transfer them to their bigger buckets to bloom, should i use 1ga? 2ga? 3? and how many can i fit in the 4x4 during bloom? i'm trying to get the most yield here, so any advice from people that have already done this, would be awesome. And also, any REAL info out there about LED lights or some GOOD/REAL companies I could look into? Not worried about money, just want the real deal. Thanks guys and gals.