Looks like 2 week old females are are going to bloom stage

BenHad Agin

New Member
1st time grow and I seem to have messed up. Around 2 weeks the females have started to show sex. It looks like I let them get root bound.

Would this cause the early attempt to bloom?

Moved from the 16oz cups to 3 gallon pots today. They look like they have been beat half to death this evening.

Now that I have them transplanted can I stop the flower stage?

I have really enjoyed starting this project and was looking forwards to trying the cloning, but they are trying to bloom and are not ready to cut on.

Bright spot seems to be 5 seeds and only 1 male.
1st time grow and I seem to have messed up. Around 2 weeks the females have started to show sex. It looks like I let them get root bound.

Would this cause the early attempt to bloom?

Moved from the 16oz cups to 3 gallon pots today. They look like they have been beat half to death this evening.

Now that I have them transplanted can I stop the flower stage?

I have really enjoyed starting this project and was looking forwards to trying the cloning, but they are trying to bloom and are not ready to cut on.

Bright spot seems to be 5 seeds and only 1 male.

What light schedule are you on? These guys can give great advice with some pictures to describe your current situation.

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They are not auto.
About 20 hours of light.
I will try get some pics later.
Good news is they picked thier leaves back up off the dirt overnight.
I'll ask the right question.
What makes you think they are starting to bloom? Pictures would speak a thousand words! (show the whole plant AND the part that makes you think their blooming)
Describe in detail why...I'll wait.
I had them in 16oz cups and never dreamed they would out grow them in 2 weeks. When I moved them I cut off the bottom of the cup and split the side. The damage may have come from trying to loosen the roots up some. These are tough plants they bounce back quickly.

what method of transplanting are you using my plants don't even flinch when i transplant
Sorrey it took so long to respond.
I hope you guys are right and there is nothing going on. This still is my first attempt and when I figured out they they were root bound I saw changes in the folage the tops started to put out some white smooth cylendrical shafts. Then there was a change in the appearence of some new leaves they started to show up without the regular serated edges, which seem to be forming later. There were also some shafts that look different in the way they seem to split into 2 smooth shafts.
When you transplant from solo cups be sure to water first, wait about 15 min and "squeeze" the cup a tad and they should slip right out.....minimal stress!