Lowryder2 Grow


Well-Known Member
Ok so this is going to be my first grow as a autoflowering hybrid

Seeds- Lowryder2 from Dr.Chronic
Soil- Organic Miracle Grow
Lights- 2 Cfl's
Lighting- 16/8

Day1- Ok so it took these seeds about 4 days to germinate and now they are siting in there pots i will upload pics tomarrow


Well-Known Member
Subscribed hope your grow goes well!

Will be waiting for you to put some pics up then :D
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Well-Known Member
ok so here are some pictures of my grow box and the 2 seedlings.. when i was puting the seeds in i was so careful that i think one of them might have gone " tap root sideways" will this effect t at all?? and how long should i wait intil i see a sprout

ps sorry for the sideways pics i keep changing them but they stay like that



Well-Known Member
you should have more than two sprouts ,
they both could turn out to be males
they should be a huge warning about that mg soil and fert .


Well-Known Member
No it shouldn't really matter if it landed the wrong way up, it will sort its self out and grow towards the light. As for how long till they sprout i think mine took a couple of days don't hold me to it though. You can check out my grow jounal to be sure when they sprouted if you like. You might also want to think about getting some more lights at some point as well. Looking good so far though.

ok so here are some pictures of my grow box and the 2 seedlings.. when i was puting the seeds in i was so careful that i think one of them might have gone " tap root sideways" will this effect t at all?? and how long should i wait intil i see a sprout

ps sorry for the sideways pics i keep changing them but they stay like that


Well-Known Member
you should have more than two sprouts ,
they both could turn out to be males
they should be a huge warning about that mg soil and fert .
Well i am using Lowryder2 from Dr.chronic and i hope one is a male because i want the seeds.. but i have another growbox for a male... As for the MG soil.. its all organic so that no chemical or anything so i think i'll be fine


Well-Known Member
fuck ok so i was opening the door and my dog walks by and her tair knocked down one f the pots so i see the long white tap root is big than it was when i put it in so i know there growing... but now that one might not make it ... o well PRAY


Well-Known Member

Ok so i just checkd my plants and a have 2 littlle sprouts so thats a good sign.. I am going to to the hardware store today and pick up 2 more CFL's... also i am going to germ another seed just to get my chances of one lady


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Well-Known Member
Looking good takes me back about 4 weeks when mine where that old. You wouldn't think such a little thing can grow so big in such a sort space of time. Keep up the gd work!


Well-Known Member

Ok so my babys looked alittle stretched so i filled them up alittle with dirt and put them in there holding pots. They will stay in theses pot intil i can tell the sex because i would rather have a Male plant be route bound and stay small but still produce seeds ( know what i mean) please sombody tell me if this is a bad idea.

ps. thats one of the last baseball games at Shea Stadium



Well-Known Member
That's what i was going to do. But one still wasn't showing sex a couple of days ago and they where really too big for the pots. Then what happend i repot them and day after it starts to show signs of sex just my luck lol.


Ok so my babys looked alittle stretched so i filled them up alittle with dirt and put them in there holding pots. They will stay in theses pot intil i can tell the sex because i would rather have a Male plant be route bound and stay small but still produce seeds ( know what i mean) please sombody tell me if this is a bad idea.

ps. thats one of the last baseball games at Shea Stadium


Well-Known Member

Ok well my worst nightmare came true today and my 2 lights fell and anded on my 2 sprouts and scroched the leafs off one of them.. But the stem looks all intacts is there any way i can save it ??


Well-Known Member
Sorry don't really know you will have to wait for someone with a bit more experience to get back to you on that one. If it was me i'd just let it do it's thing only time will tell how much damage has been done i think.


Ok well my worst nightmare came true today and my 2 lights fell and anded on my 2 sprouts and scroched the leafs off one of them.. But the stem looks all intacts is there any way i can save it ??


Well-Known Member

not much to update but the burnt sprout is official dead and has been replace with another. The other one looks healthy but dose it look alittle stretched ?



Well-Known Member
Maybe a bit that's how mine looked and when i came to replant them i just burrowed them down a bit more all is good now. Wouldn't worry to much at this stage. How far away is it from the light??


not much to update but the burnt sprout is official dead and has been replace with another. The other one looks healthy but dose it look alittle stretched ?


Well-Known Member
If you look at DAY 4 ,,, but today i put a box of crayons under it so i'm not worrying aboout it


Well-Known Member
some words of kindness,idk what u expect to yeild with 2-cfl's at most likely 23watts? with 2 plants if u don't mind 3-6grams prob then way to go.
but if ur going with cfl's your going to need like 4more honestly for sum decent buds.
and also miracle grow soil has time released nutrients which is not recommended for these plants.
Also i don't see any fan circulating in their? or exhausting air do u know temps?
im just trying to help is all don't take the info offensive.
also here's a cheap cfl hood u could use,quite small also and u can get all parts at lowes here's the link.