LR#2XAK 18 Days to Harvest. Please Help!!


Active Member
Lowrider #2 x Ak-47
3 gallon growing pot.
Put into Foxfarm Ocean soil.
600 w HPS 20/4

I read somewhere that Foxfarm soil retains enough nutrients to sustain a plant for 3 weeks, so after those three weeks I gave it 21/2 ml of Oneness Humbolt Nutrients. A few days later nutrient burn was evident. I took a fertility test and it showed that there was way too much potasssium. I flushed it about a week ago with 6 gallons of distilled water, and within the next days took another fertility & PH test. PH was fine and the fertility showed up as "adaquate Nitrogen, no Phosphorus and still too much Potassium" though there was noticeably less potassium on the scale.

The lower leaves on her are very yellow, and it seems that they yellow and then dry out and curl upwards starting at the tip of the leaf and gradually taking over the whole leaf with the area around the veins turning an odd dark grey color blotching and fading into a golden. All of this is very crispy and dried out. The leaves throught the middle of the plant seem untouched by the burn, and are a healthy green. The top of the plant is also yellowing a bit, has a pale green color, though it appears to be burning differently than the lower leaves. Whereas the lower leaves turn yellow and the burns stretch from the very tips of the leaves to almost the stem, the leaves on the top of the pant are turning yellow, and as the yellowing progresses they develop what appears to be copper colored burns though it is restricted to the inside of the leaves where the main vein runs through it. These burns are on almost every leaf on the top of the plant and every leaf (even those that do not have the copper burns) is more yellow than the leaves that seem to be remaining healthy in the midsection of the plant.
This is my first time working with a lowrider. At this point I am sure the yeild will be significantly less than what it had the potential for, though I would still like to see what she can do.

Cosidering that there is but 18 days before harvest, any body have any advice on what course of action I should take to make it better before harvest. Should I flush again? Is it too late?

The first picture is from the bottom. The second two are from the top.



Well-Known Member
It would be best to get a shot of the whole plant to better diagnose it. With only 2+ weeks left, it is normal for the plant to use the energy stored in its fan leaves. I'm growing the same strain and it has about 2-3 weeks left. Most of the major fan leaves have been used up and are dead. The remaining leaves are still green and healthy and will carry the plant through to the finish.

The yellowing on top could be something different like heat stress, light burn, or something like that.