Lucky Hog Seed, almost finished! (pics included)


Hi everyone. This is the first time I'm putting up pics of my grow (first one i thought looked decent enough to show off). I've got a couple grows under my belt now and I'm getting things dialed in a bit better, and wanted to show off my next one that will be ready.

It's a strain called Hog, predominantly Indica, and I got lucky cause a friend of mine found a single seed in a bag he got from a co-op, and it turned out to be female! My lucky day, cause the bag this came out of kind of made my legs go numb. Looking forward to the finished product on this one! WP_000761.jpgWP_000762.jpgWP_000763.jpgWP_000764.jpg

I'm in the midst of transitioning to a completely organic growing method, so this is like half organic, really looking forward to tasting the difference in it.

Grown in FFOF amended with lime, EWC, Sunleaves Jamaican Guano, Kelp Meal, and about 20% perlite. Watering has mostly been plain PH'd water with epsom salts when needed, and every 1 1/2-2 weeks a tea mixture with molasses and Humic Acid. Not sure if the humic acid helped or not, since this is the first time I've used it, but it sure as hell didn't hurt anything.


Well-Known Member
You have some very nice looking buds. My leaves often look like yours toward the end, I'm still working on ironing that out myself. Nice that you found a female seed, sometimes luck is on our side:)