Male Female Hermie


Active Member
Damnit, I chopped a male about a 102_0221.jpgmonth ago, and about 2 weeks later I thought this plant was starting to flower, but it was flowering way before my other 102_0222.jpgkids. Is this a male plant or what? I don't see the classic "bunch of bananas" that I had seen on my other plant and it l102_0225.jpgooks like a cola forming. Please help, this is way too far along to chop it without knowing for sure. Here are some pics.102_0227.jpg

trichlone fiend

New Member
...I'm call'n male. Can't you see all the balls?? that I take another look at it, I believe that is a hermie...not the typical, but hermie. Looks to be a hermie with dominate male traits, rather than the "normal" dominate female traits....wierd!


Active Member
Uhhh, newbie here and my other male plant already had bananas growing when I pulled it and it didn't look anything like this. This is a new strain that I'm not familiar with (Thc Bomb by


Active Member
Why haven't I seen the classic "bunch of bananas" look like I saw on the last plant I cut? Seems like the genetics would have been the same. What do pre-bud plants look like? The colas on this "male" have pistils coming out the top, so how can I tell the difference?


Well-Known Member
well whatever you want to call it it has balls and will pollinate your other plants, ive had a male that had a bunch of balls and a few hairs comming out of them.


Active Member
Are they far enough along to get pollen from them? They're not very big. I'll check out that link now and maybe that will answer my question.