Male-female or Hermie


Active Member
Here is my first post after reading for about 2 months on here. I finally have come to a point where I really need the advice from those who have been there and seen this. This is my first grow so, I am new to all of this. Everything has been going good so far. But I have the question of sex on 3 of my plants.
I have clusters of what looks like pollen sacs to me, but then when I look closely, it looks like maybe they are opening up to flowers. so i question myself whether I should give them more time before I remove them. Could this be a hermie, or is this a common trait of a male plant? On the top where the cola bud should be, it looks like bud, but it has these sacs inside. another thing making me wonder. What should I do with these if they are hermies? Can I pull them out and get bud with seeds, or should I shit can them? Any help would be greatly appreciated..And I thank you all for all the posts and threads. I have learned a lot of great info on this site..
I apologize for the crappy pics, but my cam is not good at close up shots, but hopefully its enough for a determination of this plant.



Active Member
Yes I started 12/12 on April 4th..All the other plants look like fems, but I have 4 that are full of these sacs. I dont know if they are dif, or just males..see if these pics are better for still looks blurry, but can you see the sacs that i am talking about?



Active Member
Thats what I was thinking since all the other ones didnt have any of those sacs. The only thing that threw me off, was it looked like they were opening up into flowers. im just gona pull them and keep them in a diff room and see what happens, and just use sunlight to finish them. is there any danger of the pollen getting to a diff room?


Active Member
Im pretty sure they started showing first, and this one is the tallest of all of them, and i have read that that usually means male. I guess I have to quit hoping and just realize that its a male and pull