males for cannabutter?

Hello everyone. I'm working om my first grow, I started off with six plants but two turned male so i'm left with four. I know that male plants don't have as much thc but it seems like a waste to just throw them out. I've seen plenty of posts saying you can make decent cannabutter using males so i'm going to try it for myself. If you have never tried using males please don't tell me it won't work. If you have used them any advice is appreciated.

since the plants are only about a week into flower should I plant them outside and let them grow or should I just chop them now?


Active Member
It works but not as good as you'd want it to. The cannabutter you get from male plants gives you a nice buzz or baked feeling. If you use dank female buds... well. You get retarded.

But it's not a bad idea. Turning it into butter is probably the best way to consume it and have the nicest effects.
Yeah I know it wouldn't be the best but its always nice to have some munchies around :) do you think I should let then get bigger?


Active Member
males contain some THC. Females contain waaaaaay more. I have tried making cookies out of male plants... and they turned out to just be bad tasting cookies with no druggy side effects. I think if you want the THC to develop in your males you have to let them bloom for a while... as males. So... it might work out, but its probably more of a pain to have blooming males around. In my opinion it is not worth it.


Well-Known Member
in my book males only value is for pollen

you would prolly need about 10 males to equal the thc of 1/2 female plant (just a guess)

but if you think its worth the effort try it and report back to us -let us know whut you got from them


Well-Known Member
Yeah, males r way too much of a problem to keep up with, and too much of a risk to add to the already present risks SOMETIMES associated with growing... I like to wrap mine up in grocery bags and take em to the trash can at a gas station or somewhere far away from the site... I wouldn't trust them not to spread pollen, even outside, as it could come in with u when u walk inside, or thru the AC somehow... Not enough benefits, as oppossed to risk with keeping males around after they show their 'nanerz...