This is my first try, so the help from this site has been great, Thanx. I have 12 beauty 5' males in full seed pulled and they smell sweet and sticky, shame to pitch 'em. Is it even worth a try?
this is something i would also like to know. just found out that one of my 2 babies is a male and hate to just toss it after putting the time in it will be watching to see if anyone will answer your question
Depends on your THC tolerance level I guess, males have about 1/3 the thc level as females. I'd make butter for a first project.
The thc is most concentrated at the tops so maybe just use those if you've got lots of material.
Yeah man. Good for butter for sure. Males have THC, and too me, that makes them viable. If I were smarter, I'd save all my stems and seeds and leaves and males for butter.
Breeders actually smoke males to truly get a feel for it's power and other qualities.
I know this is months later, but the wife got sick. The buzz was mild and generally not worth the effort, but it was there. I have since finished my grow and got some bubble bags, which work great for female scraps, wonder about males? None left.
AFAIK males don't have trichomes so bags are useless.
did you select just the choce parts of the males as per chart when you made the butter ?
butter is a mild but long lasting stone even when made with buds.
Eating it on an empty stomach and with lecithin will increase the punch but shorten the length of the high.
I had 3-4 ounces of male leaves and I made a batch of 18 brownies.... and they had a strong knockout stone with even just half a brownie. Worth the try. And maybe your wife got sick because edibles are alot stronger. I did blend them up very finely and put it on the stove on low to middle of low and medium for about 2 hours though. Worked great.