Marijuana + ADHD + Depression = ?

Hey there everyone, first off I'd like to introduce myself to all of you. I believe y'all can consider me a seasoned toker, I've been smoking for about 3 years now. I started reading the forum a few months ago, and it is finally time for my first post... : )

What effects, if any, does the frequent use of Marijuana have on both ADHD and Depression, or their medications, respectively.

I have a dilemma. Like all of us here I love Mary J. Not only is it the "high" it provides, but the culture, and social aspect of it also. This being my first semester in college I've started SWED'ing (smoke weed everyday) with all my new friends. However, I'm afraid that the use of marijuana is affecting me adversely due to my psychological situation/medications I am on. I've noticed I am becoming more and more forgetful and I'm lacking motivation for school.

I figured I should start at the beginning of my story. I will report all the information I know about the various medications I am on taking. I am by no means an expert on this topic, but I do know a thing or two about it. If the community here could work with me to figure out a solution

I'd appreciate any advice or constructive comments the seasoned toker community can provide.

My Story

In January of this year after a series of traumatic events and external stresses I was diagnosed with Major Depression. Leading up the diagnosis I was feeling extremely exhausted and lacking much interest in life at all. I would cry all the time for no reason, which would then further piss me off. I was angry with myself and everyone else in my life. When stress levels rose too high I would have panic attacks to the point of fainting. If it wasn't for the intervention of my parents and doctors I'm not sure where I would be today.

In addition to depression my psychiatrist diagnosed me with having ADHD. I've actually dealt with ADHD since I was child. As my doctor explained it to me, my IQ was high enough for me to compensate for the ADHD. I was always a hyper child and rarely paid any attention in class, but I was still able to maintain my grades. Whatever I did pay any attention to I remembered completely, the trick was getting me to focus and pay attention. As school became more difficult it became harder and harder to maintain the usual grades. The small amount of information that I did focus on wasn't enough anymore.

During the whole ordeal I was maybe a twice or so a month smoker. During the summer of this year it developed into twice or so a week. I now smoke everyday. I also drink alcohol once or twice a week in addition to smoking.

My medications

I am very sensitive to my medications. An hour this way or that, or a little too much or too little taken at one time, results in very bad side effects.
The first medication I was prescribed was Wellbutrin. My psychiatrists thinking was to combat both ADHD and depression at the same time. The wellbutrin did not work and it had terrible side effects. I became very irritable and angry. However, it did give me a slight bit of energy.

The next medication I was placed on was celexa. Celexa pretty much cured everything concerning my depression except for the lack of energy and panic attacks. I am still on this medication now.

At this point I was also placed on adderall. It was like a whole new world. It was like I had a spidey sense of sorts. I was very aware of my surroundings and all that was occuring at that point in time. When I was behind the wheel of a car I felt like i could see miles ahead of me. I could focus in class and I had the motivation to pay attention. It was all great except for two problems, I was still exhausted and having panic attacks if I got too stressed.

Here comes number three. The next drug I was prescribed was Pristiq. Following a period of restabilizing my meds I was adjusted to my current schedule. Pretty much all aspects of my depression were covered as long as I took all my meds on a fairly constant schedule.

Current Schedule-
---Celexa- 3 Times daily- 20mg in the morning, afternoon and before bed
---Pristiq- 2 times daily- 50mg in the morning and before bed
---Adderall- 2 times daily- 10 mg, morning and afternoon

The Medical Science behind it all

What Causes Depression?

Depression is related to the depletion of one or more neurotransmitters. Reasons for depletion may vary. It can result from too little serotonin, norephinephrine, or both in the synaptic gap. To combat this the brain produces more receptors for the depleted neurotransmitter. However, our brains are faulty; this just further worsens the problem. That is where medicine comes in. The medicine is used to block these extra receptors providing more of the neurotransmitter in the synaptic gap.

What causes ADHD?

It is believed to be caused by an erratic, slower firing of dopamine.

Stimulants and ADHDFor someone with ADHD stimulants have the oposite effect than those on normal people. The stimulant essentially returns the person back to normal levels of dopamine. Stimulants are only effective in high doses if stimulation is required.

Celexa and other Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI). This class of medication blocks receptors therefore providing more serotonin in the synaptic gap. Overtime it's job is to put the number of receptors back to normal.

Pristiq, effexor, and other SNRI's- this class of drugs works the same as an SSRI, but acts on serotonin AND norepinephrine

Adderal- works with dopamine. Adderall is not a re-uptake mechanism. It instead regulates the firing of dopamine, causing it to be more regular.

Some more Questions

Concerning dopamine levels, what does the use of marijuana exactly do?

What is your opinion on smoking and taking adderall? - (I've read that in small does it can actually help people)

What effect do my antidepressants have on smoking weed?

What effect does having depression already and smoking weed have?

What effect does ADHD have on smoking weed.

Should I limit the amount I'm smoking at one time?

Should I limit the amount of times a week I smoke weed?

Why do I feel such a lack of motivation?


mj can escalate depression in some so be careful you know that from what i gather . the effects of typical mj side effects are not generaly spoken about ( due to deffencive and protective behaviour that i think corralates w/ addiction) and i feel you are on the right track with treating yourself and need to interact with others who can share objectivly without cheerleading . i have spoken to several adhd users and they do get releaf from mj but what about all that wierd bitchy non motivation behaviour that comes with it, much can be done and gained w/ mj but more open disscution about the total effects needs to happen. my intrest are med. and i feel that many are just selling recreational weed and dont care. I know that mainstream users just want to get high and they are interfearing with med. but it will level out if they can go and enjoy legally. if i can help you i will. hope you get what you need


Well-Known Member
I have been smoking the lovley lady for 5+ years now and on a daily basis. I have no depression or any other kind of condition as far as I know.

I have recently become a recreational adderall user. When I say recreationally maybe twice a week when the is house work that needs to be done. I find that pot definetly keeps me pretty sane on it. If I dont smoke I am bouncing off the walls, and literally cant stop moving. I will parachute a 25mg pill around noon, and dont stop moving usually till 9pm.


Well-Known Member
i have noticed one strain out there by GrowDoc, called ADHD, this is a medical marijuana strain that has been clinically evaluated on ADHD
you may not be in a convenient situation to do a grow, but it might be a route worth trying
Stimulants and ADHDFor someone with ADHD stimulants have the oposite effect than those on normal people. The stimulant essentially returns the person back to normal levels of dopamine. Stimulants are only effective in high doses if stimulation is required.

uuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmm im not a doctor or anything but i have been prescribed adderall for the last thirteen years starting with the regular instant release at 30mg a day and then switched to the xr 30mg capsule in 2002 and that isint how amphetamine salts work on ADHD patients. thats like saying a person with the most severe ADHD can do a gram of pure cocaine all at once and still live because he slept it off. So your saying that would be fine to take my doseage and then do 11 more it wont kill me right because im ADHD? ohhhhhhh and amphetamine salts work on ADHD patients because they INCREASES the levels of Dopamine and norepinephrine in the users brain leading to increased alertness and concentration in the CNS. YAY hard facts


Well-Known Member
sativa makes me all jittery sometimes, i stick to the indicas
lol jittery? I have hella dominant sativa bud and I've never experienced this. it's more of a zoned in head high . . . intense.

I think indica bud is great for adhd and depression.

though I still really don't think ADHD is a true disorder, I may be wrong, but I think it's all based around individual mental capabilities and how one works to harness these capabilities.