Maxibloom sediment?


Well-Known Member
Hey y'all, I've just started using maxibloom again, this run. I've used before, with no problems. This run though, I'm seeing sediment in the res. The solution isn't cloudy, so I'm not thinking precip, but something is different. It's it the way I'm mixing maybe, or does it normally have sediment, and I just didn't notice it before?
I was in the shop today and the guy told me that Maxibloom has been discontinued and that once his current stock was gone, there would not be any more coming in.

Is anyone here able to confirm that this product has been discontinued? Bummer, if true.
I was in the shop today and the guy told me that Maxibloom has been discontinued and that once his current stock was gone, there would not be any more coming in.

Is anyone here able to confirm that this product has been discontinued? Bummer, if true.
I've heard it rumored before, wasn't true then, probably isn't now.
I've heard it rumored before, wasn't true then, probably isn't now.
Guy at the grow shop said the same to me on Monday. In retrospect, I might have grabbed the last two bags. A real shitter if so. This season is going to be my first using the Grow/Bloom after transitioning from organic. These bags will likely get me through a while given how sparingly it’s used though.….

Edit: I’m in Canada so not sure if the rumour relates to supply here, US or globally
Yeah it has occasional sediment. I've probably gone through 300 pounds of it over the last couple years now. I only fully reset and clean my barrel every couple months or so. End up with weird little chunks of stuff in the bottom along with shiny metal flakes, likely related to the device/machine they use to crush the minerals into powder? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯