Measing nutrients easier?


Well-Known Member
What kind of techniques do you guys use for making measuring nutes easier? My last grow i just poured from the bottles directly into the measuring cup, but that just seemed so time consuming and more troublesome then it needed to be.

I was thinking of getting some squeeze bottles, but they are all clear and most are only 250ml. Which would be fine on the less used notes but on the mains you'd probably have to refill it daily.

I also saw some soap dispenser like pumps with straws that you could just attach directly to the bottle.

What do you guys do?
100/150ml syringe.

30 lt of water into the tank 60ml a+b then add more water to get the desired ec takes 2 minutes, pH if required.

RRemember if you use calmag you need to add 1st.
They sell those cheap condiment squeeze bottles at Wal-Mart. The ones you see at a cheap diner.

I use those and some measuring cups