Medical Dosage Calculation for medical tea


Well-Known Member
I'm drinking some Subtle Tea by Venice Cookie Company. Taste is excellent. Like lemongrass. It's a tea bag that you pour hot water over.

The package states that it contains .94 grams of medical cannabis and contains 40mg THC.
1) How can THC dissolve/activate in water?
2) How would they figure the math?

I was thinking that the average strain is 20% THC and call it 1gram of MJ then my calcualtion would be 200 milligrams of thc?

I am reading that 10-20 grams of thc is a decent dosage. is this accurate?
One thing I keep in mind when making tea and edibles: Thc is soluable in fat not water, so I place a small amount of butter or milk in the bottom before I pour the water. Also you gotta steep it for atleast five or ten mins.Way more potent that way

As for the dosage. And math, I have no idea lol I only make homemade brew.
Yea, I drank it all.. Did absolutely nothing.. Chalk it up to a 5$ experiment. Next time I'll add cream. Seems like the dumb package would say that..

Do you decarb your mj first? how much bud do you use?
I use a gram per CUP, and you can't forget the cream ;) it's like when you take a bong toke, the thc travels thru the water and is not absorbed (virtually)