Medical grow ( First Grow Ever) (HELP)

Hi New to the site. I'm in Northern Cali. in the San Joaquin Valley. This is going to be my first grow ever and I want to do the best I can for a newb. For all you seasoned pros out there, I want, appreciate and need all the help you can give. Here's the plan so far.....I'd like to lay out my plan and get some input on it.

Strain: 9 Blue Dream clones

Step 1:
I have peeled off the grass in my lot. I have a 20ft by 20ft grow space... soil looks good, not to much clay. I'd like to prep the ground by tilling it a 1ft to 2ft deep then adding about 10 bags of miracle grow (organic soil) to the entire top lair. I'm going to space the plants (holes) 5 ft from the edges and 5 ft apart. That gives me room for 9 plants... (( Is this enough Spacing for Blue dream outdoors, I will be tieing them down??????? )) I'm going to dig my holes 2.5ft deep and 2.5 ft round. Going to put a fish in the bottom of the hole cover with .5ft native dirt and rest of the hole with 80% FoxFarm Ocean Forest + 20% perlite and volcanic rock chips. ( Should I mix the FoxFarm with 1/3 of the native soil or fill the entire hole with FoxFarm???)

Goal is to have the plants in the ground in the next 10 days.

Any and all input is most welcome.... Please Help... Am I headed in the right direction???

Pictures will be comming soon ......


Well-Known Member
sounds like you have it down to me, as for suggestions with the soil mixtures, i cant really help you on that lol but man sounds like you will have some monsters with that grow space, im subscribed!