Mercury vapor lighting


Well-Known Member
so i just got this 175 watt mercury vapor light and was wondering if that whould work for vegging like 4 or 5 plants or if it would work period.i dont have a budget so whatever i can get i wanna use if possible.but if its just a waste of time and effort if i should just giv it back


yeah you can use it the front part of my room has the 175 watt mv and i use it to veg i've been using it for a while and no problems at all maybe a mh would be better but for what im doin its fine this is a pic of both veg and flower rooms usually there is a curtain between the two lights to control light cycles

everyone says no to mv but for veg i think it ok


Well-Known Member
alright thanks man thats all needed to kno just starting to get into the big lights and all that last gro op was all warm white cfls straight from the get go


Well-Known Member
how hot does that mv light get growing in limited space small closet with flower chamber right next to veggin box


this room is only 3.5' wide x 8' long the flowering area with the curtain down is 3.5' x 5' with a 400 watt mh, i vent the flowering room outside via dryer vent and no door on the front veg room i have a fan blowing in for circulation i could probably tweak this more with better lights but im a little lazy and as long as im getting good bud i only make small improvements here and there if i see something that seems like it would help


Well-Known Member
MV lights suck ass because they are only half as efficient as a Metal Halide light. IE they get hot as fuck for the small amount of light they put out.


MV lights suck ass because they are only half as efficient as a Metal Halide light. IE they get hot as fuck for the small amount of light they put out.
i agree to a point most people on here that ask about them want to use them because they are easy to find (home depot, lowes,) or dont feel comfortable buying grow stuff in stores or online. but these things put off a lot of light for someone who's trying to keep a small budget or cant find another light. i guess you could put like 10 regular cfl's in a room but this thing is small and seems to work fine for me. i dont think i would flower with one unless i had some other supplemental lighting but every time i see a post on mv some one says they suck and maybe in watts and lumens they do but in good old fashon growing weed low budget i think they are alright.


Well-Known Member
thats all i have is a super low budget like 30 dollars here and there then with gas so high i cant buy much


Active Member
dude go to home depot and invest 17 dollars into a 175MH bulb.......bring it home and put it into your MV ballast.......this is how I rigged 10x MV ballasts a long time ago for a friend who did not have access to anything other than MV fixtures.........At least with a 175 MH for 17 bucks you'll get around 14,000 Mean Lumens.........if youre going to stick with the MV ......I'd say save your $$$$ and go back to Compact floros......I'd pull off an impressive harvest off of Compact Floros as opposed to MV........