Metallica being inducted in the Hall Of Fame


Well-Known Member

A couple of weeks ago as some of you may have known that Metallica was inducted into the Hall Of Fame. At the press conference to talk about Metallica being inducted Hetfield was asked if EVERYONE who played in Metallica will be inducted, his response was yes.

If this is true how come Dave Mustaine and Ron McGovney were not inducted?


Well-Known Member
Mustaine is not a dick!
I am glad he left metallica because we got to have metallica and megadeath.
Mustaine lives in my town. I actually got him to sign my so far so good so what cd.
He was a totally cool head.
I agree s he should have been included. Their best album has him in it.


Well-Known Member
Which one? Kill Em' All Right?

Speaking of which Kill Em' All was recorded in my city and the studio they recorded it in is about 10 minutes away from my house.


Active Member
Lol. I bought metallica tickets on ticketmaster a few days ago..cant wait till they come here to San Antonio. You know I'll be blazin it when they come around.

Oh and Dave got kicked out of metallica for being a wine-o. I think they didn't include for that.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I got Metallica tickets and I am in Row 18 from the stage.

Also I heard that to how Dave Mustaine wrote alot of the material on Ride The Lightning.