MH bulb on my hps ballast


Well-Known Member
I know everyone probably sees this same question but ive been tryna do my own research on it and cant seem to find a straight answer.

I got a 150w hps and i wana use a MH bulb on it, i heard from alot of post it can be done, and the mh's bulb life would be slightly shortened which doesnt bother me but also people say it can cause an electrical fire and what not. and i honestly dont wana spend alot of money on a conversion bulb.

If this is possible i would get a 150w MH bulb correct?

any answers appreciated,
thanks :)


Active Member
try a Conversion bulb

Conversion bulb offers you the opportunity to switch the bulb in your Halide or Sodium fixture without changing ballasts.

Many cannabis gardeners prefer Halide light for vegetative growth and a Sodium light during blooming but a separate fixture is normally required. A Conversion bulb is a convenient option when you only have room for a single fixture but want the advantage of both Sodium and Halide lighting.

Please Note:
High intensity discharge conversion bulbs are system specific. Sodium conversion bulbs are designed to be used in metal halide or mercury vapour fixtures only. Halide conversion bulbs are designed to be used in high pressure sodium fixtures only.


Well-Known Member
im considering buying a MH ballast then but it wont be till like 3 weeks which sucks :(
but the conversion bulb, wheres a good place to get one cheapish online? looking for a 150w conversion bulb for my hps ballast, its from sun system if that info helps lol.
but yea i know i dont wana start no electrical fire..


Active Member
I wouldnt put a plain MH bulb in a ballast thats made for HPS bulbs. My buddy has a ballast that can take MH conversion bulbs so he can put in both and still use the same ballast but if your ballast isnt designed for a conversion bulb I wouldnt risk it


Well-Known Member
haha sh** im broke as hell right now, and ppl be telln me to buy somethin thats way over my budget lolz. thanks for the replies tho no joke.
now i gotta start doin some saving and get sum thinkn goin on.
ive only done like 3 grows ever, still new to it, so can someone pm me and help me out i got sum questions i still need answering.
thanks tho to everyone for the quick replies :)

oh and last thing, does anyone know a link to where i can get a 150w mh complete ballast with bulb included for cheap, wether bein on ebay or wherever.
thanks again yall


Well-Known Member
Go ahead, their are a few professional electricians on this site i know(I am 5toned is one, cant think of the other usernames) and i've seen this question so many times and seen so many different answers and also heard from some people who i really respect and believe completely that theyve done it for years with no problems, so i contacted the electricians on here, this is I am 5toned's answer, along with my question to him. remember he's a professional electrician.
"i know your a professional electrician and ive seen you on here giving good electrical advice/info many a times, its kind of an old debate youve probally seen lots of times but i wanted your opinion to confirm or deny it once and for all. Alright, ive always heard people saying its ok and safe to use mh bulbs in hps fixtures and always thought they were crazy, but lately ive had friends who i trust and i know wouldnt lie for no reason who have far more experience under their belts as they've been doing it for a very very long time and some of them say theyve been doing it for years and years and its safe to do so and they never had any problems with it. what do you think on it? "
"yep, tho there are certain types of mh lamps that are more suited for this than others. a pulse start lamp, is not so good. a probe start lamp however, is perfect. it only works putting a pulse start mh into an hps fixture... "


ebay is the best place if you can wait just type in hydroponic grow light system or hydro ballast i'm looking at a 1000watt switchable for 169 and free shipping so the 150 should be cheaper but it depends on the type of ballast, there is also a nice 600watt for 169 its digital and small comes with everything timers and yoyos!


Well-Known Member
k so i guess i decided on getting an MH bulb for my hps, found them online at, i understand the risks, and i am willing to take them.
but as far as ordering the bulb, is there any specs that i should know when buying the bulb? like i stated my light is a 150w hps from sun system

this is my fixture ---> Systems&type=product

i looked on and i dont wanna just pick any bulb thats 150w or can i? theres more than one bulb under 150w MH bulbs some show more lumens than others, and inches ect.

or can someone be nice and just choose one for me on there and throw the link my way? would be very much appreciated,
thanks again