Microwave dry your bud


Active Member
so i've heard that you can stick your weed in the microwave and it will dry it. and i tried it and it worked perfect, didn't seem to lose any thc or anything. got high from it the day i picked it.

anyone against this idea? is it bad?


Active Member
How long did you cook them and at what power (like 50%, 100%, etc.)? Also, what wattage is your microwave (a sticker on the back or side should tell you the wattage).




Well-Known Member
I'm sure it does dry it but I don't know if it's safe or not. I would just wait a little bit and let it dry the old fashioned way. Patience will pay off, man. :joint:


Active Member
i cook a little nug in there for like a minute and it comes out 100% dry, in a normal microwave, normal power, and i'm not sure what the wattage is, i'm at a library. but from other reactions, i'm guessing not a good idea


i cook a little nug in there for like a minute and it comes out 100% dry, in a normal microwave, normal power, and i'm not sure what the wattage is, i'm at a library. but from other reactions, i'm guessing not a good idea
if you just gotta smoke a little nug this...is the worst way i think..but it works..i would at least do like a quick dry method that takes a couple days.....but really it's just best to wait...you waited so long already..what's another week....of hang drying you can smoke some then before it goes into jars......:mrgreen:

to each his own though,..if this worked for you...and it's good enough for your standards..than more power to you.......i don't think i could choke it down though....