Mini BB DWC (1st Live Journal)


Well-Known Member
Title: February 21, 2008 Wet Germ
Date: February 21, 2008 8:50 PM
Category: BB Wet Log
Tags: Germ

Day 0.0 - Wet Germ

This is the start of my 1st WET (Hydro) log...

Saw a video on you tube from Mr. Green where he germinates (just cracked) in a cup of water... Wanted to try this out so there it is... =]

Once it cracks and just shows its tail I will put it in a cube...

Title: February 25, 2008 Rocking Out
Date: February 25, 2008 6:42 PM
Category: BB Wet Log

Day 0.4 - Rocking Out

Cracked yesterday morning and by the afternoon I could see a lil tail inside the seed...
Decided it would be easier to replant before the tail came all the way through...

I did not really like the water cup germ and I will stick to straight plant or paper towel...
It was just to easy for the seed to sink and I was afraid that it would drown if it did not float on the top...

Decided to try a wick system to keep the cube moist while I wait for it to be ready to go into the DWC bucket...

Tried cotton twine but it did not soak very well without some coaxing...
Hemp twine on the other hand soaks up water like a straw... Smells like a wet dog though...
Hopefully it will not do any harm... I am assuming it is ALL natural hemp...

Now we wait... =]

Again... =]

Title: February 28, 2008 Jumping Beans
Date: February 28, 2008 10:16 PM
Category: BB Wet Log
Tags: Sprout

Day 0.7 (0.0 Veg) - Jumping Beans

Just poked up above the cubes top last night... You could see the top of the seed and part of the bent over stem sticking out of the hole...

This morning it was raised above to cube top but the seed shell was still attached to the bent over head... Carefully coaxed the shell off the head...

Tonight the two protective pre leafs are opened all the way and the 1st set of real leafs are trying to open...

Interesting seeing what has been happening below soil... Its cool how the 1st set of leaves are “folded” up inside of the pre leafs for protection... =]

Always wondered how they were positioned in there before the pre leafs opened... =]

As soon as I see the tap root poke out of the bottom of the cube, or whenever I get my new vegging box set up, witch ever happens last, I will get the bubbler going... =]

BTW... I put 1/4 srrength nuts into the bottom of the wicked cup and poured a little bit on the cube as there are no nutrients available like there are in a soil grow sprout...

Title: March 2, 2008 Bucket All To...
Date: March 2, 2008 9:56 PM
Category: BB Wet Log

Day 3 - Bucket All To...

Ok yesterday the tap root just poked its way through the bottom of the cube so I was scrambling this weekend to get my grow tub finished...

Now that it is done it is into the bubbler time... Using sunleaves silica stone as medium... Kind of like them... =]

Set up of the bubbler is as follows: >>>

(1) 1 Gal black bucket (2 gal on standby if it becomes to small for roots)

(1) 6 inch net pot cut into the buckets lid...

(1) 6 inch airstone (had to cut it back a little and plug the end of the middle tube to make it rest on the bottom correctly)...

Standard air line fed through hole drilled near top lip of bucket sealed with a 1/4 inch rubber gromet...

Dual air pump with a “T” connector hung on the tub wall above the bucket...

Chemical details (nutrients, ph, etc.): >>>

Nutrients are Botanicare 1/4 strength except for Hydroguard witch is full strength: Pure Blend Pro Grow, Liquid Karma, Cal-Mag Plus & Hydroguard...

Ph is somewhere around 6.0 or lower but not too close to 5.0... Using liquid test kit is hard to do in this range so I guess I will shoot for 6.0...

TDS... LOL... I am going ghetto on this one and you can say all you want but I just do not have the cash flow to get a TDS meter right now...
What I am doing is ghetto rigging a digital multi meter in resistance mode... I know it is very inaccurate but I can still get a good feel of the rise and fall of my EC...
I take readings (have to keep the probes at the same distance apart as well as submerged the same amount in each solution tested) in different solutions...
Straight RO water is about 1.6 to 1.7... My current solution is around 6.0 to 6.5 and as long as it stays in this range for as long as I use this solution strength I should be ok...

Right now the water level is just above the bottom of the net pot and once I see roots below the pot I will lower it down a little...

I think that is all... I will try to keep this log as live as possible or at the very least I will keep updates from my offline journal like I have done here... Peace... =]



Well-Known Member
WTH... =[

Out of all of 50 ppl that have viewed this journal so far not one has anything to say... =[

How disappointing... =[



Well-Known Member
I think that your DWC bucket looks good, but 1 gallon may be too small, even for just one plant. When you plant starts getting big not only will its roots fill the entire bucket, but also the plant will begin to transpire a quarter to half a gallon a day. It might turn into a huge hassel if your plant is drinking more than half of your reservoir each day. Just something to keep in mind and to plan for. I am near the end of my first DWC grow and what I learned is that after about four weeks of vegging the bagseed I am using, my four plants drink about 1.5 gallons (combined) a day that needs to be replaced.


Well-Known Member
Ya i have a 2 gal on standby... Hopefully that will be plenty as i do not have room for the 3 gal in my tubs... If i have to i might make an external reservoir with a control valve but i think the 2 gal should be ok for my 1st bubbler... =]


Well-Known Member
Title: March 6, 2008 One Week
Date: March 6, 2008 9:39 AM
Category: BB Wet Log

Day 8 - One Week

One week old and the third node is working its way up...

Leaves seem kind of small right now but overall good start for my 1st bubbler project and I expect growth to explode after the 3rd or 4th node... =]



Well-Known Member
Title: March 7, 2008 Nigh Time
Date: March 7, 2008 6:23 PM
Category: BB Wet Log

Day 9 - Night Time

Afraid the BB male that I have flowering was going to pollinate my WW that is flowering in undesirable places (main cola) I moved him in here with my BB in the Bubbler...

Switched on to a flowering light cycle so that I can get some pollen from my flowering male and just selectively pollenate a few buds on the WW...

Hopefully I wont have to leave the flower light cycle on too long before I get a good stash of pollen... =O


Well-Known Member
Title: March 9, 2008 Untitled
Date: March 9, 2008 12:08 AM
Category: BB Wet Log
Tags: 2nd Phase

Day 9 (Day 2 Flower) - Rez Change

Changed out the reservoir and we are at 1/2 strength nuts now... Just starting to get some root mass under the net pot...

A few more tap roots and the main tap root is starting to branch off... =]

Mid way through its 3rd set of leafs... =]

I will take pics on thursday witch is its 2nd week from sprout... =]


Well-Known Member
I'm very interested in watching this one- I'd like to try a wet grow with a plant or two in the near future.

That wick system for the rock wool cube peeked my interest. =) I like that concept.. =)


Well-Known Member
It was the easiest way i could think of keeping my rock-wool moist while i waited for the tap root to show... =]

I credit the green weed man "Mr Green" as he said "if i had to remember to water them 3 times a day they would surely die"... =]

YouTube - how to grow cannabis mr green #1

Good source of info for a first time hydro setup... No matter what system you decide to use the principals are the same... =]


Well-Known Member
Looks good - more pictures please.

unless i misunderstood you but it sounds like you're shooting for a pH of 6? I think in hydro you should shoot for more like 5.6 - 5.8 - at least that is my understanding anyway.

Happy Gardening! :joint:


Well-Known Member
WTH... =[

Out of all of 50 ppl that have viewed this journal so far not one has anything to say... =[

How disappointing... =[

So I have a comment. I came to your journal after reading your post/summary of feeding schedules titled NUTES!!! What To Use and How to use em! which repeatedly say dont feed anything until the 4th set of leaves. But YOU start off with 1//4 strength nutes practically from the gate. What's with that? What made you do the exact opposite of the information you just posted? I just now have my first set of true leaves on 12 sprouts in DWC and I'm dying to feed them, but the amount of conflicting information you get on this subject is driving me crazy and your posts seem to say both at once!!!! WTF and LOL!!!!!!!!!!:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
So I have a comment. I came to your journal after reading your post/summary of feeding schedules titled NUTES!!! What To Use and How to use em! which repeatedly say dont feed anything until the 4th set of leaves. But YOU start off with 1//4 strength nutes practically from the gate. What's with that? What made you do the exact opposite of the information you just posted? I just now have my first set of true leaves on 12 sprouts in DWC and I'm dying to feed them, but the amount of conflicting information you get on this subject is driving me crazy and your posts seem to say both at once!!!! WTF and LOL!!!!!!!!!!:mrgreen:
i also advocate not feeding until after the seedling stage - but fed mine from seed on :mrgreen:

BUT - i don't use RO water (yet - just ordered one!) so am forced to use GH Flora Micro 3-part since they have a hard water version.

I am just now noticing the following:
some of the little plants are starting to yellow - looks like heat blanching (but not so pale) but my light is 3 feet away. My PPM with just tap water varies between 250 and up to 400 sometimes. I just filled my spare reservoir and added a total of 4.5 TBSP. of nutes and the PPM was around 250! So my regular tap water is 250 and when i add nutes it is 250 - WTF!?! unless the hard water micro somehow binds with impurities or what have you and renders them ineffective (note i am grasping at straws here as i have no freakin' clue why this is happening).

I'll try documenting this when i start my new journal - sorry for the thread hi-jack.


Well-Known Member

I feed my grow here 1/4 strength nuts right from sprout because unlike soil grow there are "0" nuts available to the seedling from the get go...

So to answer your question it is really just preference and wanting to give the plant something to go for from the get...

If you do the math on those tables they count week one as showing four nodes and they (at least for my schedule of botanicare) start week one at about 1/2 strength... It also reads...

Unless your Nutes specific schedule tells you what to do for sprouting and seedling, you need to cut back on the nutes for that stage BEFORE youconsider it to be "phase one"
So i consider 1/4 strength fairly cut back...

But yes if i am doing a soil grow i will give "0" nuts before 4 nodes... =]

Make sence i hope... =]

Again its a personal preference, sort of like not leaving my front door without pants on... =]

Also i am a noob at all of this so maybe i am doing it wrong... Meh... =P

Thanks for stopping by... =]



Well-Known Member
...My PPM with just tap water varies between 250 and up to 400 sometimes. I just filled my spare reservoir and added a total of 4.5 TBSP. of nutes and the PPM was around 250! So my regular tap water is 250 and when i add nutes it is 250 - WTF!?!...
400 OMG nasty water... =O

Are you sure your meter is calibrated... ??

Sounds fishy... =\


Well-Known Member
400 OMG nasty water... =O

Are you sure your meter is calibrated... ??

Sounds fishy... =\
meter is very accurate and calibrated. the PPM increased after spending time in the reservoir - sorry i wasn't clear bout that. It is usually always close to 250 out of the tap. I just found it odd that it is 250 out the tap and remains close to that after adding nutrients.


Well-Known Member
Ya thats what i ment by fishy and the reason for questioning the meter... ??

No clue whats goin on there... ??

BTW the reason i shoot for 6.0 PH is because i dont have a digi pen yet and use liquid PH testing kit and its impossible to find 5.8 but i can get close to or just below 6.0... =\

Ghetto... =]


Well-Known Member
Ya thats what i ment by fishy and the reason for questioning the meter... ??

No clue whats goin on there... ??

BTW the reason i shoot for 6.0 PH is because i dont have a digi pen yet and use liquid PH testing kit and its impossible to find 5.8 but i can get close to or just below 6.0... =\

Ghetto... =]
whatever works! :joint:


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the clarification on quarter strength nutes. I'm a noob myself, not the contradiction police lol. There are plenty of them around! I was going to wait to add any nutes for another week, but I have two tanks :), so 1/4 strength just went into one, and nothing in the other. We shall see. heh