miracle grow soil with moist control and 6 months of fertilizer

Hi. I'm about to start flowering my w widows, they're about 22 inches tall. The soil that I'm using is suppost to have 6 months of fertilizer and my ladies have been vegitating only for about 2 months. I know that in the flowering stage they requier a lot more nutrients. How do I know how much fertilizer to use if the soil already has fertilizer included? I just don't want to over do it on the nutes. Any help?


Active Member
Generally speaking, most with MG soil start adding extra nutes after the first month. You can check soil ph, and slowly add nutes until you notice your plants not liking it, but i'd rec. that you just use the directions that are included with whatever fert you use, you'd be better off not going overboard with the extra food, cause if you hit them too hard, you MIGHT get stuck having to flush


Well-Known Member
I would try 1/2 strength nutes and see how they like it.I had 4 plants in that shtuff and my problem was you can not water very often and the nutes hang around too long. what worked for me was nutes,water,water,water- nutes. and i could only water about every 4th or 5th day or they would get too wet and grow slow.I did not like only being able to give nutes every other week so i switched to pro-mix and i love the stuff, almost like growing in hydro.
I water every other day. I keep my ladies in the attic and its very dry up there. So far I haven't had any problems and I hope it stays this way. Ill try with the half strength nutes and ill let you guys know.