the remedies below are not by me. i read them on this site a while back and thought you might get some use from it. GL
spraying with jets of water across the bottom of the leaves will get rid of many of them, if it's practical.
Sprays: Neem oil is the most effective. Other effective methods are pyrethrum, horticultural oil, and insecticidal soap. Spraying three times at 5 to 10 day intervals should be sufficient to destroy a mite population if sanitary conditions are maintained. Eggs of the spider mite hatch in 5-10 days. The first spray kills adults, the second will destroy newly hatched mites, and the third will kill the stragglers. If you choose to use pyrethrum, rotate to another chemical if you spray frequently. This will ensure mites will not develop a resistance to synthetic pyrethrum. BE CAREFUL IN CHOOSING A CHEMICAL MITICIDE IF YOU CHOOSE TO DO SO! Several miticides have DDT or fungal relatives that are toxic if inhaled by humans!